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Question: Should I write a sequel!?
I just wrote a novel!.!.!. I think it's really good, and I fell in love with my characters!. I really miss them! So I'm thinking about writing a sequel!.

But is writing a sequel before publication a stupid thing to do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, go ahead and write it!. If you like your characters, have a good story, and want to write, then do it!. It doesn't even matter if it's good, because it's for your personal enjoyment!.
Stephenie Meyer wrote a sequel for Twilight before publication, Forever Dawn!. It wasn't published, but she wrote it for herself!. But whether or not you find Meyer stupid or not is your decision!. She's a millionaire, and had many fans!. I'm not telling you what I think though, that was just an example that I know of!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, if you really want it to get published!.
One, because, more than likely, if it does get published, MANY things will change to be more reader-friendly!.
Two, publishers don't like taking on book series as a first take!. It's an extremely risky move - one that they'll avoid if at all possible!. Start it as a single novel and make sure it can stand on its own first!. Then, if it sells well, tell them you have a sequel idea!. It it's proven that your works will sell, they'll be much more inclined to publish a second book!. So if you do start writing, I wouldn't tell them about it when you send in the first manuscript!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, it's a good idea to write a sequel!.

If you're writing just for fun, and you think a sequel would be fun, then go for it!. And if you're writing to get published and the publisher loves your first book, they'll be even more pleased to hear you're already working on a second book!. You can even mention that in your query letter!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go ahead and write a sequel!. If you enjoy it so much then go ahead and write it!. If you publish the first one no one ever said you have to publish the sequel if you don't find it good enough!. No one ever needs to know that there was one!. Now if by the off chance it is good enough go ahead and publish it to!.
To write a sequel isn't the hard question; you can definitely write it!. The question is; after its done, is it good enough to publish as well!? Just write it for your own pleasure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No in fact its smart!. Start your sequel while publishing!. By the time its finished you should know if your book made it and will be ready to publish a sequel!. Can't wait to see your books on the shelves!. Good luck in all that you do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its not stupid at all!. It lays the ground work to work with if a publisher wants to go that far!. and you don't have to write to sell, write for your self!. Didyou know the epic last chapters of HP 7 were written before most the seriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

no if your book becomes big u will be ready lol but it's up to you if you miss your characters then write sister write!.you can also do it to keep your mind active!.whats your book aboutWww@QuestionHome@Com

i agree with the person above me!.!.!.


totally write a sequel, especially if you still have ideas before pub!. Who knows, you might be able to publish both!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You wrote a novel!? aww i wanna read it!
no its not stupid, continue to write more! :)

if u like writing then do a sequel
what ever floats ur boatWww@QuestionHome@Com

ya unless its for personal needsWww@QuestionHome@Com

wtf is a sequel

edit: ooooooooooooo sorry i cant read good my friend just told me what it said and u can start it but dont show it to anybody b4 the book is out and still wait a bit to show itWww@QuestionHome@Com