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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I am wondering if anyone can tell me the name of a series of children's stor

Question: I am wondering if anyone can tell me the name of a series of children's stories!.
The stories had a small green snake or worm (I can't remember which it was), which wore a shoe and a hat sometimes I think!. It slept in a small bed!. I believe there were other animal characters too, like a small yellow cat maybe!. I realize that this is a silly question, but I loved these stories when I was young and I just tried to tell my roommate about them hoping she would remember, but I think she just thinks I'm crazy!. So any help would be nice! Thanks!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Are you thinking of "The Busy World of Richard Scarry!?" I used to watch the tv shows when I was a kid and they were based on the books by Richard Scarry!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you're picturing Lowly the Worm from Richard Scarry's Busytown things!. Lowly was actually brown, but he wore a green hat and a shoe, but I think that's what you're talking about!. There was a show, too!. I loved these!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds like something by the author Richard Scarry!. I'm looking at one of my son's books authored by Scarry entitled "The Best Picture Dictionary Ever" and there's a worm character wearing a hat called "Squigley"!.!.!.betcha' that's it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Are you referring to Lowly the Worm from the Richard Scarry books!? Www@QuestionHome@Com