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Question: *Ahem* Dear Twilight Lovers!.
While looking up Edward Cullen quotes I came across two quotes that I found unfamiliar:

"La Tua Cantate" and "How can something so small be so annoying!?"

If you don't mind, could you, perhaps, remind me what book these quotes came from (in the Twilight saga) and what context they were in!?



Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
La Tua Cantante is in New Moon, when Bella and Alice go to Volterra to save Edward from the the Volturi!. It means "Your singer", her blood sings for Edward!. I think Aro calls Bella "La Tua Cantante" to Edward!.

"How can something so small be so annoying!." Is from Breaking Dawn, when Edward finds Alice annoying obviously!. I think its after their wedding when Edward and Bella have to catch the plane for their honeymoon!. Alice wants to dress Bella up for the plane ride and interrupts Edward and Bella kissing!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

"La Tua Cantate" is mentioned in New Moon by one of the Volturi!. Edward later explained it to Alice and Bella that it meant "singer" because Bella's blood sings to Edward!.!.!.in a figurative case!.

"How can something so small be so annoying!?" Edward is just talking to Alice and her annoyance to Edward!. Sibling love :]

Hope this helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"La Tua Cantante" I think means "Your Song"!. That may refer to Edward writing Bella a song!. Though I don't remember thoroughly!.

The second I think is Edward talking about Alice!. When she's annoying him, of course!.

I hope I helped!. :)


i dont know what "La Tua Cantate" is but i do know that "How can something so small be so annoying" is Edward talking to Alice becuase Alice was being really annoying!. It was in the fourth book, "Breaking Dawn"

Hope it helped!Www@QuestionHome@Com