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Question: Did anyone else hate Twilight!?
I couldn't even bring myself to get 1/3 through it before I tossed it, it was so bad!. I love vampire stories and romances, and I don't even mind kids' literature now and then for a bit of fluff, but this book was terrible and poorly written!. I was expecting it to be much better from all the praise it was getting, but I guess literature anymore doesn't have to have quality, whether in the storyline or even grammatically, in order to be as popular as it is!. My other peeve is that if you're going to write about a real place as your main backdrop, get all your facts straight about the place or else give it a different name!.

Is there anyone else who felt that trees should not have been killed for this drivel!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I found the plot very cliche and full of holes!. The characters were not very well developed!.
The love story was never explained further than she thinks he's hot and he thinks she smells good!.

I don't understand how girls go on and on about how perfect they are together!.
Basically I think Edward is an abusive boyfriend!. He controls Bella by saying he wants to protect her!. He often leaves her for her own good and the more he does that, the more she clings to him!. His protection only isolates her from other people!. She suffers from Stockholm Syndrome in my opinion!.

In the second book, she convinces herself to put her life in danger, if only to hear his voice!. That's a clear sympton of Stockholm Syndrome!. She wants to be a vampire without caring what it'll do to her family or her friends!. Shes selfish and whiny!.

And by the third book, the only character I liked (Jacob) turned into a whiny jerk, who mainpulates Bella's emotions
Jacob uses evey oppurtunity he can to throw in Bella's face that she chose Edward, thus playing the wounded dog!.

I find the "Heroine" extremely unlikeable!. Her only defining characteristic is that she is a klutz, and is constantly in trouble!.
She falls for a man and pines for him, willing to give up her life and not caring the friends and family she hurts, to be with him!.

I think that's a horrible message for younger readers!.
I also do not like the idea that the 5th book is going to be Twilight from the guys point of view!. In other words I would have to buy 2 books to understand the story completely!. That's a rip off in my opinion!.

These books make me imagine people like Voltairine de Cleyre, Elizabeth Blackwell, Susan B!. Anthony, Abigail Adams, etc, rolling over in their graves when they realize that this is the result of all their work

So those are the reasons I hated the books!.
I read all three because my friends kept telling me "Oh they are so good, oh you'll love this one even if you didn't like the first or second, yet I was disappointed by all three!.

I will not read the last book, though since a lot of Twilight fans hate it, who knows I may actually like it!.
I doubt it though, her writing is so bad!.

There are many people who hate Twilight, don't worry!.

To the poster above me!.
Just like Twilight fans can make a million questions stating "OMGGGGGGGGGG EDWARD IS SO HAWWTTT!!!
or Team Edward or Team Jacob!?
Or OMG TWILIGHT IS AMAZING!, she is allowed to state that she hates the series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't hate them (I read Twilight and New Moon), but I do have a hard time seeing what all the fuss is about!. There were some things that really, really made me roll my eyes, but the story kept me engaged enough to read another!. I liked them in a fluffy, popcorn-novel sort of way!.

also, I downloaded them to my Kindle, so the trees caught a break, hehe!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I admit twilight isn't the best book out there, but it's still entertaining!. And I have found some grammatical and spelling errors but I can look past small things like that!. Its an okay story, I enjoy reading it, but I'll admit I'm struggling through the last book because it is just way to!.!.!.!.fanfiction-y for me!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't think it was that bad!. in fact, I got rather obsessed with it!. But the fluffiness did bug me because of all the kissing and stuff!. I think that Stephenie Meyer is a good writer, but she could do better!. I see people being total fanatics, and I pity them!. I like Harry Potter better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i hate it thought it was totally pathetic!. its just too sappy, badly written, i hate the charectars and its just REALLY fake
--- for post above me, im 13 and im mature enough to know fact from fictionWww@QuestionHome@Com

ummm!.!.!. if you had typed that in the search box, you would have seen that most people are!. but once again, people don't use the useful tool that Answers has given them!.!.!. sorry to be rude!. this question is like asked 24/7Www@QuestionHome@Com

over and over and over again we get the same question!. Turn your brain on and then use the search box and look for answers before stuffing the board with another redundant question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

*raises hand* Its all cheese and fluff, I don't understand why its as popular as it is either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im not sure ive never read it but from a bunch of obsessed fans ive heard its pretty good lol

GO MICHAEL PHELPS!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find it rather boring!.
It's doens't quite grasp, and maintain holding my attention!.

Oh god, yes!. I forced myself through all four books though; I wanted to have some kind of basis for my opinion!.

You are exactly correct!. Literature does not have to be well-written to be popular; all it takes is a woman with an overactive imagination and dreams to be young again!. Then, all it takes is said woman to write a book about a pathetic, "relatable" teen girl and a hot vampire who doesn't drink blood!. Add in a few 13 year old girls who like reading romances and drooling over the ink and paper, nonexistent characters and said woman's got a best seller!.

The Twilight series is poorly written, and the plot is cliché!. And why do Bella and Edward love each other!? Because she smells delicious and Edward is gorgeous!? The characters are so annoying; Bella is whiny, and needy!. She thinks the world revolves around her, which is probably why Smeyer designed Bella after herself; that's what Smeyer wanted in her life!. Edward is just too perfect in looks, but then he has the most disgusting attitude!. He drops the most ridiculous, cheesy love lines like "You're my exact brand of heroin" all the time, and he's obsessed with Bella; he stalks her and kidnaps her, takes her car apart so she cannot leave, and tries to abort her baby!.

And TeamSwitz, by that logic Twilighters shouldn't be able to say "OMG I luved breaking dawn what did u think about it!?" or "Team Jake or Team Edward!?!" also, I would love to hear multiple reasons about why you like the series!. All you've said is that you're disappointed the asker doesn't like them, that there are tons of fans, and that the storyline gets better!. Why (more than Edward is hot, please) do you even like the series!?

And to Nads M, thank god you do!. Sorry to generalize, but it's just what I've encountered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Awwww that stinks!. You really felt that way about it!?

Well!.!. I don't blame you!. I've heard worse from other people!. However, you shouldn't be going all "It was so bad! Terribly and poorly written" junk!. I understand people are accustomed to their own opinions but you need to know that people - someone like me - would be lining up at your windows with pitchforks and torches!. You know there are a lot of Twilight fans out there, right!? `Kay!.!. just making sure!.

EDIT:// Yeah I was exaggerating a bit!. What I was trying to say was!.!.!. maybe if you had actually read the whole book, you couldn't possibly liked it!? Or at least, not hated it!. The storyline gets better throughout the series, I promise!.Www@QuestionHome@Com