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Position:Home>Books & Authors> People who thought breaking dawn sucked.... are u STUPID!!

Question: People who thought breaking dawn sucked!.!.!.!. are u STUPID!!
in my opinion breaking dawn was the best book ever!! Now i want to ask!.!.!.!. what kind of idiot though it was horrible and disappointing!?!? She answered every question someone could have possible had and the ending was what everyone wanted it to be! so the question is why are you sooo upset over nothing!!! u wanna tell me y u are soo mad!!! Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
haha!. I agree!. I loved it!. How could anyone not love it!? It was amazing!. I don't think she could of made it any better!. Well she could of by making a fifth book!. lol!. But I still love the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

!.!.!.!.!.!.the best book ever!?

May I ask you how many other books you've read!? Because right now I'm questioning your sanity!.

That book was bad!. Even Twilight fans admit it!. The plot holes were huge, the story was boring, and the characters were flat!.

The only conflict lasted about 2 minutes!. I've read more interesting things on cereal boxes!.

I'm sorry, but I still can't get over the 'best book ever' comment!. Seriously, have you read any other books!? I can name thousands of books that beat out Breaking Dawn by a landslide!.

I think you're suffering from a severe case of the Crazies!. Go outside, take a walk, relax!. Then go to the library and pick up some good literature!. That's what you need right now!. Soon enough, you'll realize that Breaking Dawn is perhaps the WORST book ever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

o·pin·ion /??p?ny?n/ Pronunciation[uh-pin-yuhn]

2!.a personal view, attitude, or appraisal!.


Seeing how you now know what an opinion actually is, the next lesson is to realize that everyone is entitled to their own!. There is no use calling people names because they don't like a book!.
Maybe I, and other answerers, would have a little more respect for this question if you weren't so rude and single-minded while asking it!.

Some people don't like books that has everything good happen to everyone in the end!. Some people like books that you can actually take something from when you are finished reading!. Some people aren't 14 year old girls that are obsessed with a fictional character and think they can marry him!. Some people read many books rather than just one silly teen series!.

This question has been asked a bunch of times before, and it would save you time and points if you would just use the search bar at the top of your screen to find negative opinions about the book!. There are many!.


I'm the kind of idiot that thought it was disappointing!. Not horrible, mind you!. Just disappointing!.

We're all entitled to our own opinions!.

The ending is quite obviously NOT what everyone wanted - considering how many people were frustrated with the book!.

We're upset because we didn't expect the series to end the way that it did!. I thought her style was different in Breaking Dawn, and it seemed to me that she lost a hold of her characters!. They didn't seem to fit the personalities they'd been given in the first three books - the personalities that everyone loved!.

I think a lot of people are overreacting, though!.

For one, you'll hear a lot of people say Meyer "broke her own rules!." That's not true!. If people actually paid attention to what happened, and what was truly said in the novel, they'd realize that!. People are just looking for ways to attack her, because they're ticked that the novel didn't turn out how THEY wanted it to!.

Meyer's addresses a lot of these issues herself in her EW interview!.

The book was still a good read, and it was interesting to see how Stephanie Meyer saw her ending - considering this is her series, after all!. But, it was hardly what I expected, and I will admit, I was very disappointed by it!.

If that isn't sufficient, there are plenty of posts that have already been made concerning it - check them out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thanks for the insult!. I appreciate it!. Though the way you wrote your question made me wonder if it's you, not me!.

As for why I'm disappointed!.!.!. the plot had major holes!. the characters didnt behave like themselves!. Stephenie broke her own rules, and she used a literary device that basically equates laziness in writing, Deus ex machina!.
Yes, it had a happy ending, but it was forced upon people!. I would have been happier with it if every single charachter was killed off, rather than to have it be so over the top!.

Ultimate_geek3!.!.!. you rock!. You wrote what i was too lazy to write!. Absolutely correct!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm going to support an earlier answerer!.

All these "Best book ever!!" remarks!.!.!.

"yess its the best book ever"
"OMG! I'm 13 and I've read Twilight like 1500 times!!! IT's the BEST BEST BEST book EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
u will not get sick of it
iluv it i luv it
it is the BESt thing evr! nd im obsessed"

(taken from just one recent question)

What books have you read, have any of these responders read, so that, out of the whole of the history of literature, such a judgement would be even rational, never mind fair and balanced!?

One might take it for hyperbole, except that people familiar with the concept would spell better than the above, surely!?

And as for your particular points, rather than the Twilight series as a whole, I'm afraid you undermine yourself!. You assert:
" the ending was what everyone wanted it to be! "
at the very moment that you are castigating those who think no such thing!.
That's a total internal contradiction, I'm afraid!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

no people who think Breaking Dawn is stupid just have a different opinion that you do and that is no reason to criticize them!. in my opinion Stephenie Meyer was being a hipicrit about bella getting pregnent she said she couldn't, and all the characters wern't acting like they usually would!. Acually it was almost like a fanfiction!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I hated it!. Jake ended up a child molestor (hes my fave character), because bella totally ignores the fact that she loved him in Eclipse and New moon!. Edward is all pissy most of the book!. Bella is pregnant on the couch for like half the book!. The baby had nearly launched volturi attack but the anticlimactic Meyer didnt have a fight!. And then the attacking wolves was total BS so Jake walk around the house for like 2 weeks for nothing!.!.!. then she hinted at jake and leah and poof! nothing!.!.!.!. gosh it was so disappointingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I DO NOT think it was stupid!.!.!.I was just kind of!.!.!.disappointed with the way it ended!. I thought she rushed it, and that Breaking Dawn shouldn't have been the final book!.!.!.Over all it was a good book,it just needs to have Epioluge!.

!.!.!.!.Oh!And I didn't like the way Edward called her 'love' the whole time!.!.!.but I still love Emment!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm with YOU!!!!!!!

Yeah, there were things that were VERY unexpected (BD readers no who im on about)!. But it was well explained and stopped being a problem!.
And then sum ppl are annoyed with the happy ending!.!.!.Give Bella a break!!! SHE DESERVES IT!!!!

Bring on Midnight Sun, (And even though its guns be terrible) The Film!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it was the worst book of the series; it went to far out there and it honestly didnt even feel like it fit in with the other three books!.
i dont think it had enough action and i feel like it was written in a different voice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I am not done with it yet but i have to say it is alittle dissapointing!. it sounds like is doesnt fit with the rest of the books!. right now im only at the honeymoon part but i think it has to have a little more action!. I think the first book was the bestWww@QuestionHome@Com

NONE of it was disappointed!. WONDERFUL BOOKWww@QuestionHome@Com

Breaking Dawn Rocked! It was like awesome book but i can get why some people don't like itWww@QuestionHome@Com

It was disappointing you know, well some parts!
But i still loved it!.


Here are a few questions she did not answer:

1) Who is Embry's father!?

2) Why is Bella's mind a mystery to Edward!? Why can't Aro read her thoughts!? Why can't Jane hurt her!? Why can't Alec render her emotionless!? Why!? Stephenie Meyer said that perhaps Bella's mind worked on a different frequency -- but why!? That is not a reason!. That is a cop-out!.

If you criticize someone and call them stupid, it is not very likely you will get a very kind answer!. However, I will try to control myself and answer you politely!.

I am not angry about Jacob's pedophilia!. I am not angry that Bella got pregnant!. I am not angry at the name Renesmee!. I am not angry at these things!. I am disappointed in Stephenie Meyer in general ABOUT these things!.

What got me about Jacob imprinting on Renesmee is that it was just plain!.!.!.weird!. To me, this also seemed a cop-out!. Jacob was never supposed to be a huge part in the story, so, for Meyer to wrap it all up nice and cozy, she needed Jacob to imprint!. Renesmee seemed a likely candidate since she is very different, just like Jacob!. So it makes sense, but it was lazy!. Secondly, the stories Jacob will tell her! "When I was your age, I wanted to do your mom!." Does it seem sick or anyone else that you would marry the daughter of the person you once were in love with!?

What got me about Bella's pregnancy was how Meyer "tip-toed" around the question where it was asked if vampires could get people pregnant!. She answered about how female vampires could not get pregnant, she answered that most fluids turn to venom, etc!. She answered everything BUT the question asked of her!. So it was partly the readers' faults for misinterpreting it, but it was also Meyer's fault!. She should have just answered, "No matter what I answer I give you, it affects the future books in some way, so I cannot answer that!." That is all she had to say!.

What got me about Renesmee is how she was named!. The combination of names (Renee and Esme, Carlisle and Charlie) is a Mormon tradition!. Bella is not Mormon!. She is not even remotely religious!. However, Meyer chooses to have Bella name her baby according to Mormon tradition!. There are many who say, "She is not forcing her religion upon us! Look at the sex in Breaking Dawn, the lingerie, the sexual innuendos!" That, my dear friends, is Meyer trying to over-compensate, and also it is partially for self-gratification!.

The book was horribly paced!. Sometimes it was slow and boring, sometimes it was fast-paced and rushed!. The characters changed!.

THE CHARACTERS CHANGED!. Many people think this is character development!. There was no development there!. It was just Meyer completely changing her characters!. I can see characters changing over time, but all of a sudden they were all different!? I'm not buying it!. There are also people who say, "This is realistic due to the stressful situations the characters were in!." Yes, but even with that aside, they were still different!. Emmett was more of a mean, arrogant varsity teenager than anything else!. Bella was described by Jacob as being funny in times of danger!. I have never seen that side of her!.!.!.!.until Stephenie Meyer decided to change her character!

Renesmee annoys me considerably!. If her mother and father are not Mary and Gary Sue, she most certainly is Baby Sue!. Renesmee is a perfect baby -- doesn't cry, is apparently a child prodigy, is beautiful (even more so than her father), and on her first attempt at walking strode across the floor gracefully!. It bugs me even worse when people say they love her like she was their own child!. She is a book character! When those people actually have children, they will be bitterly disappointed when they realize children are not at all like that!.

Bella!. Bella Bella Bella!. Her character was totally written the wrong way!. I am younger than 18, but I can for sure say that if I got pregnant at eighteen, I would be terrified when I realized I was pregnant!. A little excited maybe, but very very worried and scared!. Especially if I was showing after three weeks!. But Bella!? No!. She just loves her baby dearly and is filled with happiness and vows to protect her, willing to give up her life for it!.

After the change!. I expected Bella to be like the average newborn -- but nope!. Of course not, Bella is too special!. Instead, she controls her thirst with some effort when it is normally impossible, and no explanation was given!. Possible explanations were presented -- such as because she had been preparing for some time, or that it was a talent -- but neither was confirmed or denied!. Meyer had a perfect opportunity right there to tie in Bella's aversion to blood (seen in Twilight and Eclipse), but she overlooked it!. In a book, you have to give explanations for things!.

So Bella is now a vampire, and she suddenly converses with adults as if she were a 40-year-old business manager!. When she talks with J!. Jenks, she talks easily and professionally with detachment!. Since when has Bella ever been detached!? It is too much of a jump to go from talking like an 18-year-old to talking like a 40-year-old!. Some say that is a product of the vampire change, but it is incredibly unrealistic!.

Meyer builds up the fight scene for a hundred pages, introducing new characters and basically leaving her old ones for dry rot (except for Bella!.) When the Volturi finally come, Bella is the hero with her "love shield", a pathetic rip-off of Harry Potter, and the Volturi, scared and flustered, return to Italy!. That is a cop-out, ladies and gentleman!. So Bella ends up safe, winning Edward, Jacob, Renesmee, the Cullens, her father!.!.!.Life is never that perfect!. No, I was not asking for blood and guts, everyone dying!. But I wish it was more realistic!. Life is not like that!.

Finally, Meyer does not take responsibility for her book!. When asked about Edward's line (speaking of Edward, he faded into the wallpaper) to Jacob calling him his son!. Gag!. Choke!. Die!. Figuratively, of course!. Meyer responded that Edward specifically told her that he said that!. !!!! She made up Edward!. Edward is not real!. She writes the fate of her characters, the characters do not write their own fates!. When asked about how she felt when people were responding negatively to her book, she said she expected as much due to Jacob not winning Bella!. That was the least of our worries!. The rest of the book was what made us call it THE EPIC FAIL OF THE CENTURY!.Www@QuestionHome@Com