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Question: I cant remember the name! (a vampire book)
so i read this book about a year ago and its about this boy who meets this vampire and he decides to runaway with him and they end up going to this circus kind of place and the boy finds a best friend and at the end his best friend gets killed!. its a serious book i think,,,

PLEASE HELP!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Darren Shan the Cirque Du Freak Series
the one your describing is the first one doesnt technically have a name but it says !.!.!.A living nightmare on the cover

check all the books out here

id also suggest his other series Demonata which is also very good

and keep up with em, they get realllly good


Author: Darren Shan
It is a total of 12 books!.!.!.
The first book is Cirque Du Freak (it is when he meets the vampire)
The 2nd is The Vampire's Assistant

Here it is on wiki:


Hope That helps!
I read only the first book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The book is Cirque du Freak, I'm pretty sure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yep, it's Cirque de Freak :]Www@QuestionHome@Com