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Question: S&M/racially-themed novel: Yay or Nay!.
I am considering writing an interracially themed romance novel featuring a black woman & a white man!. However, the theme is somewhat dark in that it deals specifically w/ S&M, where the black woman is a submissive masochist & the white man is a dominant sadist!. It is set in a college setting: The older white man is a professor & the black woman is a grad student!. Both are intelligent people yet troubled & thusly, enter into a D/s relationship where they come to terms with exploring dominance & submission, the power of destruction, & ultimately the connections between trust & love!.

The reason I've chosen to write on this topic is because I think I am deeply interested in the role of D/s especially in terms of race & I don't think it's thought of in that light often!.

Intelligent, thoughtful responses please!. Thank you!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree that the subject would have to be broached carefully; you would have to be prepared to defend your book with your reasoning!. It would certainly be controversial!. However, the idea sounds very intrguing to me!. If you publish it, I'd love to read it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it would have to be approached very carefully due to white supremacy issues lurking ugly in the background!. It would take a very intelligent perspective to make this less of a time bomb and more thought provoking!. Perhaps it is too easy a solution but maybe the black woman should be the dominatrix - to prevent ruffling to many feathers - also - do you really want to advertise your excellent original ideas on this network - where anyone could see and take off running with your idea!? Just a thought - call me paranoid but stranger things have happened!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

awesome idea--I'd read it!
if anything, I would consider reversing the male/female roles so that the man is submissive while the woman is dominant!. I think that would be more interesting, given the man's position as a professor and the woman's position as a student!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It should be good, but it would need extra elements (which I'm sure you'll add) rather the theme of S&M as the dominant theme!. Otherwise it might be construed as simple pornography and it has the potential to be much more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would read it! Have you read good BDSM literature like "The Story of O" or "Exit to Eden"!?

I think you have something here, but yes, it would be controversial!Www@QuestionHome@Com

If art isn't a little distubing, what's the point!?Www@QuestionHome@Com