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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I need opinions on a novel that I am writing. I am 13 years old.

Question: I need opinions on a novel that I am writing!. I am 13 years old!.
setting-takes place in the present- I don't know where yet
genre- I believe it is thriller, romance(tiny bit), sci- fi
main characters- Emma Rich-18 year old whose parents died two years before, so she takes care of family
Sarah Rich- 13 years old
Vanessa Rich- 10 years old
Samantha Rich- 10 years old(vanessa's twin)
Eric Rich- 8 years old
Alex Bead- 18 years old
Amy bracken- 18 years old

This is a summary of it-
Emma must take care of her family because her parents died in a car crash!. Her life is normal until she sees a man, who is colors black and white as if from an old movie, stalking her!. She meets a boy she falls in love with named Alex!. After a tragedy, she finally speaks to the stalker about what he wants!. he tells her about her ancestors!.
When the world gets too complicated and starts getting messed up, she must take the kist(ring) and put it to the baby's neck that has the birthmark that matches the ring before time runs out!. she has to search for this child who is somewhere in the world!.
When she puts the ring to the baby's neck, it must be at the time of an eclipse!. This is the end of the first novel!.
I explain this in the book, but the reason she must do the task is so the world can be renewed, sort of like the start of everything again!. Every one's mind will be sort of brain-washed and history will repeat it self!. If this is too unclear still, please tell me


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Kind of cliche!. I don't know about other people but I really HATE when in a story or movie the main character is born to do something or is chosen !. In my book the main character just falls into the story and doesn't really HAVE to do anything but decides to!.
Perhaps, the stalker wants something else like he wants her to come with im for some reason Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like the stalker but not the restWww@QuestionHome@Com