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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What are your opinions of breaking dawn by stephenie meyer?

Question: What are your opinions of breaking dawn by stephenie meyer!?
ok i know there are a million of these but i have to post one of my own!.!.!.
what did you guys think of it!? i personaly didnt like it!.!.!.the characters were too diffrent

btw there will be spoilers but if u haven't finished the book you really shouldn't be looking at stuff for breaking dawn!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i loved it, but you're right! there was a whole new maturity level to it!. the first three books were all about teenage love and then BOOM! it's got ppl getting knocked up, and doing 'it', and weddings!.!.!.it was all so different!. It was like a completely different storyline!. i didn't like Jacob's point of view!. it was boring during that section!. but i am a twilight fan so i can never bring myself to say that i didn't like it!. i was kinda hoping something BIG was going to happen at the wedding!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I found the first part extremely hard to get though!. i mean i felt like they crammed up the wedding and honeymoon a bit to fast since they had been dragging it out for a very long time!. Then i disliked the part after that!. If i had wanted to read a book about an unknown baby killing it's mother i would have looked in the sci-fi section!. It was too weird for the book!. Note the the twilight series deals with the supernatural, but it just didn't fit in very well!. The part when Bella became a vampire was a bit surreal, it didn't suite her character but i guess that's because she changed!. I'd have liked to hear a bit more from Rosalie!. Everything was a bit dowsed in happiness even when it was at a dark time because the most important thing just seemed to work its self out!. I also would have liked a bit more from Alice!. And now that i think about it i would have liked all the other vampires to have played a bigger role because this is the last book and you barley get to know them in the others!. The ending was pretty cheesy but i liked it better than the harry potter ending which was kinda stupid and extremely unsatisfying in my opinion!. It was an alright read and something about it kept me turning pages so that must count for a bit!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i actually thought it was really good!.!.!.
yes the characters change but so do people!.!. bella's growing up throughout the series and in breaking dawn (technically she stops growing up but can still mature) she's almost a grown up!.
i LOVED that she finally became a vampire!.!. i understand the downsides but the book ended happily in my opinion!. it didn't leave you hanging and was a good closing to the series

*however i wish the series could've gone on farther than 4 booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know!. I think I liked the first and second book better!. The characters seemed a little more realistic!. Maybe it's just that Bella changed SO much!. I don't know!. I didn't like how easily the Vanturi left!. It didn't seem likely!. Overall I think Stephenie Meyer did a good job wrapping up the series, but it seemed like she just wanted the series to end!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

the characters were crazy diffirent!. jsut bc jacob imprinted he suddenly forgets about his love for bella and its all weird!. and everyones nice to eachother, seriously!. and the freaking ending i was seriously going wtf!. the entire book was weird!. i guess it was ok but it was just flat out weird!. and anyway, how many great romances have a happy ending!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really liked the book!. i just didn't like how there was her pregnant!.

i really liked rose in this book, even though she was still mean!.

and there was no jacob/bella!. they were supposed to like love each other, then when you get to breaking dawn they are just friends again!.

even before he imprinted!.

but it was good all togetherWww@QuestionHome@Com

**Spoiler Alert**

that person was spot on when they said it was like fanfiction!. I didn't hate it!.!.!.it was just so different!. I was expecting the battle to happen at the end and was sorely disappointed!. the volturi were just like "okay nevermind" and left!. WHAT!?! Www@QuestionHome@Com

i didnt like it
there was no war at the end everyone was worrying about
it was just a "happy ending"
the plot was ruined, the monster baby, and jakes imprint ruined everything


I loved Renesme, but your right, the characters weren't theirselves!. There was no romance and I was really disapointted there was no epic battle!. And it was written like a fanfiction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was pretty good not as good as the first one but for as much pressure that was put on stephenie to deliver the perfect ending i think she did a AMAZING job!!:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought the storyline wasn't that great and the writing was horrendous!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i just started reading it and i think its really good !.!.!.!. im on likee chapter 20Www@QuestionHome@Com

I feel betrayed by her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm only on the 2nd one!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bah!.!.!. disappointing and didn't relate to the series wellWww@QuestionHome@Com

hmmm it soudns pretty awesome!!!! i havent read it yetWww@QuestionHome@Com
