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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can someone tell me the story of romeo and juliet? READ DETAILS!!!

Question: Can someone tell me the story of romeo and juliet!? READ DETAILS!!!
okay i really wanna know!. just tell me the story!.
like!.!.!.for example!.!.!.im gonna use twilight!.

"there is this girl called bella swan she goes to her dad's house in forks washingotn cuz her mom couldnt take her with her where she was going!. then she meets theis completely hott guy called edward!. she later finds out that he is a vampire (from her frend called jacob black who happens to be my fiancee), he loves her, and he wants to kill her cuz she smells good!. then they fall in love!. he takes her to a family baseball game, this psycho dude wants to hunt her, she gets hunted, practically dies, turns into a vampire!. but edward rescues her and all is happy!. he later shocks her by taking her to prom, where she meets jacob black!.

see!? something like that, if you dont mind but you can make it shorter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Romeo and Juliet's parents are constantly fighting!. Romeo falls in love with Juliet when he crashes her dad's party in costume!. He wanders around to the back of her house and they have a long conversation in the moonlight, and he talks her into marrying him in a couple of days!. She agrees, and a priest marries them in secret, hoping to bring the two warring families together!. However, Romeo gets into a fight the next day, kills Juliet's cousin and gets banished!. Before he leaves, he and Juliet spend one night together!. Juliet's father then decides she's going to marry someone else!. In a panic, Juliet goes to a priest, and he comes up with a scam where she drinks a potion that puts her into a death-like coma, they bury her (in a tomb), she wakes up and sneaks off with Romeo and lives happily ever after!. However, the priest's message to Romeo, telling him of the deception, is not delivered, and Romeo only hears that Juliet has died!. Distraught, he buys poison, and, hurrying to her tomb, drinks the poison and dies!. Moments later, Juliet awakens from her coma, finds him dead, and, distraught, stabs herself dead!. Both families discover the bodies, the priest confesses all, and they are buried together!. "Oh, was there ever a story of more woe, than that of Juliet, and her Romeo"Www@QuestionHome@Com

why don't you just read the book!?!?!?

it's not a long book and if you are actually going to plan on reading the book, get the No Fear version because it translates the very hard old english to regular english!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you want pop culture to explain it, check out the 1996 dvd of Romeo &Juliet!. It maintains the original language but anyone can figure out what is going on by the visuals!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

SparkNotes can help you!. Included is a summary, character analysis, and a summary of all the Acts: http://www!.sparknotes!.com/shakespeare/ro!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com