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Question: Twilight!? Gee, whiz!.!.!.
Please shoot me now!.!.!. Bella was a little complainer, the vampire dude was just plain bossy and bitchy, the plot meandered back and forth!.!.!. and the characters aren't nearly as dramatic as people make them out to me!. Plus, the writing style is complete crap!. WHY ARE YOU PEOPLE READING INTO THIS!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
god i'm the only female on here who can't stand twilight

Anyways yes its for teenagers but they fail to realize that Meyer has many plot holes in her writing!. Twilight is only good for an easy read and nothing else!. Her writing is repetitive and fluffy like the average adult novel that's watered down for teens

I can't relate to Bella because my boyfriend doesn't tell me what to do or how to act!. He doesn't stalk me outside of my house and he doesn't want to eat me!. I am not that clumsy and i have a good self esteem about myself!. A book doesn't build on that!. I find Bella to be a bad excuse for a female!. She stays the same in the last book!. that's why so many people on here are disappointed!. They are finally realizes that they have been paying out the nose to read glorified fan fiction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i read the series, i love it!. only because of the characters she create, they're so easy to get attached to!. maybe not bella&edward, too mushy!. and no the characters arent dramatic!.!. they're peaceful and lovable!. they're not attaching to you!.!. because she sucks at writing!. but the imagination of them, so cute!.

i hate the grammatical errors and the writing style!. it's not planned!. but she wasn't set out to be a writer, nor did she have a lot of experience with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well thats in a guys perspective!. its a romance/fantasy and guys arent really into it!. girls are into this bc they are in love with edward!. and bc stephenie meyer put that vampires a sexy and i think that gets the girls attention!. and even tho its really cheesy we love it bc we want to find someone who loves us like edward loves bella!. plus there are some interesting stuff going on the series!.

i personally love it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

hahaha, i have no idea!.
i just liked the fact that i could relate to bella!. im not a complainer nor am i sex addicted, but still!. shes my age, almost, and shes in love!.
ive always liked those stories!.
and i loved the fact that she couldnt get the guy she wanted, because he was dangerous!.
i also kinda read it cuz of jacob, but thats another story!.

i cant tell you why everyone else is reading it, but i did!. i liked it!. i thought it was pretty good!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's addictive and when you're a TEENAGER with a teenager's brain, stuffed with fluffy romance, then it's good! HAHA!

But as I've passed the fluffy romance stage, I completely agree with you! But for people like me, we just want to finish what we've started!. Lolz!.!.

Call it mindless fun, dude!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought it was a good book!. It should be a good movie!. Since it's a movie, the characters are going to have a different tone of voice than what you may have thought it would sound like in the book!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, you didn't like it, but a ton of other people did!. Personally, I did!. And I understand other people's opinions who didn't!. Not everybody has to love/hate a book just because you did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read it so I could get two points for every question like this, lol!. ^__^

I like Jacob Black!.!.!. He's awesome!. ^_^ And way more realistic that characters like Bella and Edward!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Use the search bar and maybe the other thousands of questions like this will answer it for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because the vampires have sex appeal, and pre teens want to f*ck them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com