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Question: A Tale of Two Cities Question
Why didn't Lucie's mother tell her that her father was alive!? Did she make the right decision!?

(another summer reading question)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Lucie's mother probably felt that her father would never get out of prison alive, and so decided not distressing Lucie with the fact that her father was festering in prison and she would never get to see him!. Given Lucie's disposition, I think she was right!. I mean, Lucie can't be happy if the world isn't happy!.
Eh, my answer might be biased since I can't stand Lucie and her bland husband and their incredibly perfect personalities!. But that's what I think!.
It's cool that you have to read Dickens for summer !. !. !. I've Life of Pi stuff I still need to finish :pWww@QuestionHome@Com

bc it was lustWww@QuestionHome@Com