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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I know a lot of people like Edward Cullen, but does anyone like Jacob? I do.

Question: I know a lot of people like Edward Cullen, but does anyone like Jacob!? I do!.
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I absolutely love Jacob!. After reading
the third book i was neutral but leaning somewhat
towards Jacob!. After the fourth book however,
i did not feel the need for the teams!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I havent read Breaking Dawn yet, but from the first 3 books, I totally love Jake waaay more!. I have many reasons!. The main one is that he is more "alive"!. Jake is my favourite!. He's just so!.!.!.rugged and sexy!.!.!.I love his jokes, and his arrogant determined attitude!. He knows how to have fun, and he lets Bella have fun while still protecting her He has a better personality!. I think Edward is a little hypocritical!. I luv em both tho, but if they were real, Id be head over heels for Jake, and barely double glancing at Edward!.

Edward has the characteristics and personality traits of a rock!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with Bells!.

I do, too!
Actually, I never really liked Edward!. And actually, a lot of people like Jacob, too!. Especially after Breaking Dawn!. Edward just turned more disgusting in that book!. I was really grossed!. I hated him even more!.

I liked Jacob from the start!. I love his personality more!. I'm so bummed that Bella didn't choose him when he was obviously the better choice for her!. Well, I always thought Bella was stupid, anyway!.

100% Team Jacob because he's REAL, and like Bells said, more alive, he's funnier, easier to be with, happier, and he's just more outgoing!. Edward is way too controlling!. I hate abusive people!. I hate liars!. I hate people trying to control my every move!. I hate old fashioned people who think they're so superior!. I hate cheesy love lines!. And Edward is/has all of those things!. So I hate Edward!.

If I existed in the Twilight world, I'd choose Jacob over Edward any day! I won't even bother looking at Edward twice! Jacob's just more fun!!! Edward!? Too boring and cheap for my taste!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I kinda feel like Bella on this one!! I absolutley love Edward!. Hes is just so fantastic and wonderful! But Jacob reminds me of a brother!. Like I love him but in a different way!. Like if something happened to him I would be devestated!. Its so confusing!

I too hate how people are making "Team Edward" and "Team Jacob" They are both good too the core!. Why can't we like both of them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's this stupid thing going on where people are actually picking teams!. Like Team Edward or Team Jacob!. Ridiculous, right!?

So the answer would be yes, there's a lot of people who like Jacob!. I like both of them, though I like Edward a little more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't finished Breaking Dawn yet!.!.I'm on chapter 19!. But yes, I've liked Jacob from the start!. The one that I dislike is Bella!. Stupid Bella!.

EDIT: Nothing against Edward!. I like Edward and Jacob equally!. Both are good guys!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I prefer Edward!. I never liked Jacob!. He has always been a little too pushy for me!. However, Breaking Dawn made me like him more and understand him more!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like Edward!. I like Jacob!. I don't like people who pollute Yahoo Answers with redundant questions instead of just searching for answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ohhhhh man
i love Jacob alllooottttttttttt!. He's my favorite!.
i like Edward too
but jacob seems fun!. like if they were REAL people!.
i sound like a creeper but it's true
i love Jacob

i actually like Jacob more than Edward! just because i feel he's more real and down to earth than Edward is!. PLus hes played by a total HOttie in the movie!. :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like Jacob!.!.!. and Edward!.!.!. both could do better than Bella but enough said because in honesty at the end of the day its just a book Www@QuestionHome@Com

Love em both! Edward cause he's hot and Jake cause he's!.!.!.!. well he's just funloving Jake!Www@QuestionHome@Com

ok!.!.!. well he's okay but!.!.!. DID YOU READ BREAKING DAWN AND DID YOU HERE ABOUT THE MOVIE COMING OUT!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com