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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Texas edition geometry book??? please help me get this straight.

Question: Texas edition geometry book!?!?!? please help me get this straight!.
I just bought a mcdougal littell geometry book texas edition!. is there a difference between the regular edition and the texas edition!?!?!? Or are they both the same!?!?!? Please help me out because if i bought the wrong book, i have to return it!. Thank you for all your help!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Here's a link to the McDougal Littell website, the page for their geometry book: http://www!.mcdougallittell!.com/ml/math!.h!.!.!.

It doesn't say that there are different editions, but the left column has a link to State Resources!. At the top of the page is a link to Customer Service, and there's a toll free number for product information there (800-32305435)!.

My guess is that different states have different educational standards, so maybe the Texas edition has some differences to meet Texas standards!. That could mean extra material, maybe cutting something out (I can't think what - it's math, not evolution) or maybe just putting the topics in a certain order!. Anyway, check out the website and call if you still have questions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com