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Position:Home>Books & Authors> For guyz. would you date miss retarded herself, bella swan? why or why not?

Question: For guyz!. would you date miss retarded herself, bella swan!? why or why not!?
dude i really wanna know what makes edward and jacob and all the other guys fall in love with her!. i mean why!?!?!?!?!? she is soooo stoopid!!!
doesnt really care about anyone besides the cullens and possibly jacob!.
*says some really bad words to describe bella*
the above mentioned words arent really appropriate to be put on here!.
SO TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK AND WHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh dear, I hope they wouldn't!. She's such a Mary Sue! She can't think for herself, has no personality, and constantly has to be "saved"!. She's such a damsel in distress who is obsessed with self-martyrdom!. She's got such a "woe is me" attitude!. I hope boys don't go for that kind of girl!

"Mary Sue" is a term used for a character who is cliche or a self-insert for the author!. They are a character that the author vicariously lives through!.

From Wikipedia:

"Mary Sue, sometimes shortened simply to Sue, is a pejorative term used to describe a fictional character who plays a major role in the plot and is particularly characterized by overly idealized and clichéd mannerisms, lacking noteworthy flaws, and primarily functioning as wish-fulfillment fantasies for their authors"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Natalie S, how old are you!?
Bella is a whiny girl who only met Edward because he loved her scent!. If he didn't he would've never noticed her or followed her anywhere!. It doesn't say much for any guy's intelligence to be attracted to the clumsiest and most retarded, whiny girl who is determined for self-martyrdom!. She says she hates Forks!. No one's forcing her!. Oh, her mom can't stay with her (by the way her mom is really irresponsible) so what!? Her dad practically ignores her!. She whines all the way to Forks but no one's dragging her there at all!. No one really wants a girl like that!. There are way better fictional characters to get obsessed with!.

You insensitive losers! BELLA SWAN is a flawed and beautiful individual!. she is REAL, unlike the trash most guys like!. lemme guess, your in your teens or young adult right!? it's so dumb how any girl who isn't perfect or has big boobs is not good enough!. okay, *takes deep breath* sorry for flipping out but the Twilight series are really special and beautiful books and i just find it stupid beyond belief to ask something like that!. and Edward and Jacob like her because she's smart, funny, and not the typical leading girl, she's got her own issues and the # one reason: because she likes them both even with THEIR flaws, you know, being a VAMPIRE or a WEREWOLF!?!!?!!? yet she loves them anyways!. sorry again for flipping out in the beginning but the books are great classics and you just don't mess with them!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

She kinda ruins the series!.!. she ain't that great def not worth Ed and Jacobs time I guess her scent is really spectacular or something!.!.!. I don't know!.!.!. I'm kinda happy the series is over now it had a "quaint" ending!.!.!. Totally unrealistic for even a fantasy book but hey its worth a read!.!.!. the characters (especially Bella) just needed more (and I mean a lot) of character revision!. I guess in conclusion!.!.!. she did suck!.!.!. a lotWww@QuestionHome@Com

MmM chill Gurl !.!. You don't believe that guys are obsessing over Bella now !? lol I don't guys would go too far like girls ehm Moms wtv WOMEN in general guys wouldn't go that far especially for a fictional character Hun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I was a guy, I'd rather date her(or him!?)http://hometown!.aol!.com/rufflife3628127/!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I definitely wouldn't!. She whines too much and it too dependent!. I like friends who are confident around other people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

NO! While i was dating her she would probably be doing all my friends behind my backWww@QuestionHome@Com