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Question: What is Characterization!?
What is characteriztion!? Is being sick characerization!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Characterization is your character's personality and lifestyle!.

Being sick in and of itself isn't characterization!. However, how a character reacts to his or her illness (acceptance of fate, will to fight and overcome it) could be part of characterization!. As well as how he or she got sick!. Was the person a coal miner who got black lung, or a womanizing jerk who caught syphilis and passed it on to several more women before finding out he was ill!?

Both are parts of characterization, though likely not the whole character!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Characterisation is conveying information about a character through prose (written description) or dialogue (spoken word)!. 'You' characterise with your writing!.
Being 'sick' (mentally ill or sadistic) would be a character trait which you would show the reader by saying something he had done or using his own words to show it, so, ie!.
"I'd like to slash some puppies" or, Blake grinned with pleasure as he thought about sticking his knife into the helpless creatures!.

Characters can develop in the past, so you can also use flashback (though not too much) as a vehicle for characterisation!.

Hope that helps!.

