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Question: Question about Apparition in Hogwarts!?
I'm reading the sixth Harry Potter book now, and I got a little confused!. I know you can't apparate or disapparate inside Hogwarts, but in this book Kreacher and Dobby does it!. Why is that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
House elves have powers that wizards and witches don't!. This makes them able to Apparate/Disapparate anywhere in Hogwarts!. It's mentioned somewhere in the books!. If I come across it I'll let you know!.

"Among other things, this magic allows house-elves to travel instantly from place to place, in a manner similar to apparition; they are able to do this even within the boundaries of Hogwarts and other places where Anti-Apparition and Anti-Disapparition charms are in effect, preventing human apparition and disapparition!. House-elves can, however, use side-along apparition to transport humans!."

"Hogwarts has an Anti-Disapparition Jinx cast upon it!. There is a method of teleportation used by house-elves which is not influenced by the jinx, as they are bound by more powerful magic requiring them to appear whenever their master calls!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because Elf magic is different then human magic!. It is mentioned in one of the books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they are house elfs and house elfs magic is completely different than humn magic so there you go!Www@QuestionHome@Com

beacuse they are elf's and elf magic is very different from human magicWww@QuestionHome@Com

because elf magic is different then human magic!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they r elf
AND THEIR magic is different!Www@QuestionHome@Com