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Question: Harry Potter Scattergories categories!?
I'm trying to come up with some categories for a Harry Potter themed Scattergories! (If you don't know what it is, it's the game where you have 10 categories (for example, "things that make noise" or "vegetables") and you roll a die with letters on it!. Whatever letter comes up has to begin the word that fits the category!. So, say the letter is "c" and the category is "vegetables", an answer would be "carrot"!.) I already have: teachers, students, spells, places, animals, Muggles, potions, and school subjects!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What a fun idea!

Other categories:
Famous wizards
Quidditch rules/balls
Death Eaters
Objects (such as Time-turners or Pensieves)
Food (Butterbeer, Chocolate Frogs, Pumpkin pasties, etc)
Villages (Godric's Hallow, for example)
Stores in Hogsmeade
Broomstick makes (Firebolt, Shooting Star, etc)
Types of wand cores
Types of wood wands are made from
Educational decrees (from Order of the Phoenix)
Creatures in the Forbidden Forest
Departments in the Ministry of Magic

Haha, I've been going through different HP websites for random ideas! No problem; I'm actually having fun here!. (:

I do have Messenger; I'll add you there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

stores, government employees, death eaters, purebloods, wizards on chocolate frogs cards, food!.

If you are super nerds you can include things like quidditch starsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ministry Of Magic,Butterbeer,Horcrux,Nagini,Voldemor!.!.!. Botts every flavored jelly beans,and much more!Www@QuestionHome@Com

People Who Work AT Ministry
Members of the Order
Death Eaters