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Question: Opinions of Breaking Dawn!!
I was just wondering what people thought of Breaking Dawn as a follow up to the other 3 Twilight saga books!.

I'm not judging here, so please don't get too agressive with your answers!. I know some people really loved it, and others didn't!. I just want to know what you thought of the book overall and how well you think it followed the other 3 in the series!.

Thanks!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
OMJ! I absolutely loved it!.

I thought the whole preganancy thing was crazy!. I never even dreamed of that happening!. And when it did!. My mouth just fell open and I couldn't think for like a minute!.

Then when it went to Jacob's point of view I was upset!. I mean come on! But when I started reading it I thought that was a good idea!.

I can't believe he imprinted on Renesmee!. That was just amazing!. I'm happy that he found someone he's in love with and the person is in love with him!. And now he and Bella can be Besties!. lol!.

I actually thought Bella was going to die during her pregnancy!. Even though I knew she was gonna tell the rest of the story after Jacob!. At first, I wanted her to get rid of the baby!. I mean, it was killing her! But when she became mores stronger after drinking the blood, it was all good!. And when she drank the blood!. I started gagging!. That was so gross!. But funny!.

Then when Bella finally gave birth I was excited!. I thought she was gonna die though!. Which made me sad!. But then Edward turned her into a vampire! I was waiting for that!. If she never became a vampire I would of cried!.

I thought she had really cool powers!. Like immune to mental powers!. And Super self-control!. I'm glad that happened!.

When they were about to fight the Volturi and were saying their good-byes to everyone I almost cried!. Seriously! I didn't want anyone to die!

And when Alice left! Ugh!. I was upset But she needed to do it!. But she should of told Bella!.

I love the name Renesmee Carlie!. It's really pretty!.

All in all, I loved the book!. I just wish there was more romance between Bella and Edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't enjoy it as much as the rest of the series but I did like it!. The Jacob section was a bit strange but it did make me sympathise with him!. At first I hated him for imprinting on Rennesme but I am glad that SM found a way to give him his happily ever after without splitting up Bella and Edward!. I thought the ending was a bit rushed though!. The whole thing with the Volturi was covered way too quickly and it wasn't really as interesting as the rest of the book so it wasn't much of a climax!. However, I did love the very ending where Edward finally heard Bella's thoughts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked it but I didn't like it!.!.!.

It was nice to see Jacob's side of the story and the development of Jacob, Seth and Leah's relationship with the Vampires but I actually don't like the idea of Renesme!.!.!.not Renesme herself, but the way she came into being if you understand what I mean!. I don't like the fact that she is in fact actually a complete accident!. Sure they love her after but originally - she wasn't intended to come into being at all!. I don't like that aspect of Renesme's existence!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought it was really good!.!.!.!.though I did get annoyed at Jacob imprinting on Reneesmee, dunno why, it just annoyed me!.

The Jacob section didn't interest me at first, but I really got into it, and I can sympethise with him in new ways now!.!.!.so I think it was pretty effective!.

Overall, it was sweet, interesting, and full of twists!.!.!.!.and she ended up with Edward (xD) so Im happy :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i thought it was pretty good!. It helped me understand Rosalie's point of view better!. Meaning, when she was alive (as a human) she wanted to have a family and be normal ect ect and (flash forward to vampire rosalie) when renesmee was born, the way rosalie acted toward the baby really emphasized how much she wanted her own family!. now i understand why rosalie didnt want bella to change :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It reminded me an awful lot of swiss cheese, what with all its holes and whatnot!.

It didn't fit with any of the other books at all!. It didn't seem like she'd thought up a plot for it until she was sitting in front of her computer, writing up the story just so she could make some more money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i kinda liked it, you know!.

when i first read it, i was like- what the heck has SM written!?
but then i read the whole book and i loved it!.!.even though it was way too freaky!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When they were on the honeymoon I was like: Did Stephenie Meyer really write this!? But then I got even farther into the book and I loved it lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

i loved it! i thought she tied up all the loose ends well and i loved the last few pages!!Www@QuestionHome@Com