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Question: What does a good book need to have!?
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Well, it needs to be unique!. A good book can't be something that makes you think, "Oh this is typical!. I've heard a story like this before!." It has to POP and be individual!.

It also needs to be able to grab the reader's interest and more importantly, hold it!. It needs to have characters that the reader can relate to, or at least start to understand as the story progresses!. The characters cannot be flat either, they must undergo some kind of development throughout the book!.

I think that a good book also sends some kind of message or moral to the reader!. It doesn't have to be straightforward!. It can be subtle, hidden from view unless the reader chooses to analyze the book and seek the moral!.

Another important factor is the storyline!. It has to have a shape to it: rising action, climax, falling action, then conclusion!. No one wants to read a book where Sally finds a mysterious house in the woods, sees someone inside, and GASP! She does nothing about it!. That story would go up and build but then it just does a flop and collapses!. A good story needs to reach some point and gradually fall down from the climax!.!.!.Then leave the reader with a satisfying conclusion!. Too many holes or too many details just won't work!. The reader needs to be GUIDED, not lectured!. There has to be room for the reader to ponder, reflect, and think about the book's plot when she/he's done reading it!.

:) Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An original plot!. And if it doesn't have an original plot, than it needs to have at least fresh ideas to play out an old plot!.

also, it can't be too predictable, but neither can be too unpredictable!.

It needs to be able to hold the readers attention from beginning to end but not go too slow or too fast!.

The ending needs to be a complete ending, with no loose ends (unless a sequel is planned)

It has to have lovable characters or characters you hate to love!. And the characters at least need to ALWAYS be original!.

There are many many more things a good book needs to have, and even more a great book needs, but this is the basic outlining!. I can carry on a discussion if you'd like, just contact me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A good first sentence!. Whenever I begin a new book, I usually know after the first sentence whether or not I will truly love the book!. It needs to be interesting, intriguing and captivating!.!.!. sometimes starting with good dialog can do the trick!. That's a huge factor though!.

A good book also needs to have believable characters!.!.!.!. Complex characters with real personalities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depends very much on the genre, but a good, gripping opening paragraph!. You must grab the reader!. Make him/her want to turn the pages!. There should be a gradual build up to a exciting climax, whether it's a thriller or a romantic novel!.
Good luck
Mike BWww@QuestionHome@Com