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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I'm writing a book. I know what it's about but I'm a bit young?

Question: I'm writing a book!. I know what it's about but I'm a bit young!?
I'm eleven and writing a book about a seventeen year old!. I can't write it about eleven year olds cuz its boring without friend fights and boys!.
I already wrote two and am in the middle of my third!. What should I do!? Carry on or change all my books and restart it!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would definitely keep going!. I started my writing when I was around ten and I was also writing from an older persons point of view!. You mention your age and I think that is wonderful!. I tend to think that when we grow up and "mature" that we tend to lose our child-like imagination!. Writing helps keep the mind active and the creative juices flowing!. Keep writing!!!
I hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are no rules about how old you have to be to write a book; the earlier you start, the more practice you get and practice is vital!. Perhaps one day, if you keep the practice up, you will be a bestseller, there's no telling!.

There are no rules about how old your narrator has to be either!. Literature would be dull if people only wrote about characters of their age group!. I've written stories of people the same age as me, younger than me, and in the latest novel I'm writing, much older than me!. If you can pull it off, go for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it looks like you have two options!. I could tell you what I would do, carry on until you hit a stopping point, in which you stop!.
You can also put them away in a safe place where you can read them when you're actually that age!. I did that too! i was in your situation, I can totally tell what you mean!. But when you look back at your amateurwriting, you'll see that you know much more about writing a book when you're actually the age of the person!. Then you can write about your actual feelings and it will be more therapeutic!. Keep on writing the books, but know that it would be very difficult for those books to be published!. Two books is a pretty big accomplishment for someone your age! Don't change all of your books, you've written them, so why change what is in writing!?
You're shaping up to be a pretty amazing writer, all of this practice and you never know, your book may be the next best seller!
good luck in your writing and I hope i helped a littleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Go ahead and keep writing your books!. Writing is a great way to express yourself creativily!. When you are seventeen, then you can decide whether or not your story is realistic!. What matters now is whether or not you are happy with your work at this point in time!. The characters exist in your mind - they can be whatever age you want them to be!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm 11 years old and i write also theres no reason to be discouraged if you need to know how 17 year olds are hear you go-
They more than likely have a Girl/Boyfriend
They think they are all that but theyre not
They're happy about to graduate!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy to find some1 that writes just like me!!!!!
also you can send me what you wrote already at

I started writing at the age of 12!. I started my first novel then, and now that I look back on it, the first copy was crap!. Now that I am 16 and have learned more about writing and all of that, I am a lot better!. Keep revising it, keep going over it, your first copy will not be that good!. Firstcopiess never are!. Keep trying!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

dont even THINK about giving up!.
it doesnt matter how old you are!.

there are tons of 30 and 40 year olds writing about lil kids, or teenagers, and they get along just fine!.

keep writing!.
and i totally agree about an 11 year olds life!. no drama!. its not that much fun to write hahaWww@QuestionHome@Com

i use to do that but what i would do is if i got to a point i wanted to change something id make an east copy of the origonal and on the second copy of the origonal id make my edits and then type up the rephrased verison that way you will have both the recverison n the origonalWww@QuestionHome@Com

You should continue writing!. Even if you don't consider yourself experienced enough to go on, writing more hones your skill and isn't for nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't stop! You can't be too young to write!. Keep going and finish, maybe you could publish!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

write it, Eragon was written by a teenager!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Continue writing! Keep it up! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should totally continue!. Go girl! Age doesn't matter when you writeWww@QuestionHome@Com

no! you're never to young to be successful!.!.!.keep pursueing your dream and you finish that bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

it doesnt matter how old you are, if they're good, keep writing!Www@QuestionHome@Com