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Question: POEM - about a girl in hospital!. please take a break to read!.
I'm 15 and have been writing poetry for about 3 months!. Hope you enjoy this!.

"Before Death Comes Hope"

Eyes squinting in the light,

The thought of you, helps me fight,

Close to death, Can go fast and slow,

Will I survive, only time will know,

Bodies all around me, deep in thought,

Waiting for a miracle, looking distraught,

A Doctor with a tool, nearing my chest,

I’m going to win, must hope for the best

Awaking to the sounds, the voices I know,

I open my eyes, I sit up nice and slow,

I’m getting better, Spirits arise with relief,

Huddling around, there is everything but grief!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
WOW for someone who's been writing for only 3 months this seems a pretty powerful and emotional poem, I've been writing poetry for 3 years and i give this a A great job and let no one tell you your writing sucks!.!.!. IT DOESN'T!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's really good!. I'm a poet too - maybe we should talk!.!.!.e-mail me!. I'll add you to my contacts list if you want!.!.!.people that are poets are really interesting for me to get to know!.!.!.though I don't know any!.!.!.so you want to talk via e-mail!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love this i bet if you make links to your poetry u could make a book i know i love to write poetry based on what i see and hear and feel in the world i would love to hear more Www@QuestionHome@Com

Usually I'm not a fan of poetry, but your poem made sense to me, and it flowed nicely!. also contained a lot of symbolism!. 10/10!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i liked it, i usually hate protery but, but yours have a good twist into it, keep up with the good writing 10/10 welldoneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Quite good , really !.

pretty good Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats cool!.

I liked that poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really like it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i lovee it

its a great poem :)
