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Question: What order does the twilight series go in!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Twilight-Bella meets Edward and they fall in love, James hunts Bella
2!. New Moon-Edward leaves, Jacob and Bella become closer, Jacob becomes a werewolf, Bella saves Edward from the Volturi
3!. Eclipse-Victoria is coming after Bella again with an army of new borns
4!. Breaking Dawn-Haha I won't spoil the ending for you :]

Midnight Sun-Written from Edward's POV



New Moon
Breaking Dawn :)

There is also the host by stephanie meyer, though it's not part of the series, and there's a book called A New Dawn that criticizes twilight - good and bad ways!. There may be a fifth book in Edward's point of view called Midnight Sun, but we're uncertain for now as to if she's going to finish and publish it :x There's more information on her site!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight Saga: The Official Guide (coming Dec!. 30, 2008)

1) Twilight
2) New Moon
3) Eclipse
4) Breaking Dawn
5) Midnight Sun (coming out fall 2009 or later)

All written by Stephenie Meyer!.

* More info on Midnight Sun - basically, it's a companion to 'Twilight!.' It just retells 'Twilight' in Edward's POV (point of view!.) However; Bella and Edward's amazing, heartwarming story ends in Breaking Dawn *sobs*Www@QuestionHome@Com

New Moon
Breaking Dawn

Stephenie's also writing the books from edwards Perspective and the first book will be Midnight Sun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

what she said :)Www@QuestionHome@Com