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Question: Can someone please try to help me with this question!?
Ok I am basically almost done for my summer assignment on Lord of the Flies by William Golding!.!.but can someone answer these 3 questions plz plz plz

ok my conflict is civilization vs!. savagery!.!.
does any1 know where it occurs in the plot!?
and is it external or internal!?
finally, how does it affect the deeper meaning of the story!?
any answers 4 any of these questions will help so much!.!.

thanks so much :)
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is an easy one!. The whole plot centers around this idea of civilization versus savagery!. In the beginning, they all agree to try to have and organized society - they will carry water, take 'shifts'/turns to keep the fire burning, some will hunt, they will only talk if they have the conch, etc!.

Then it goes wrong!. Jack and the others decide that hunting is more important, and the civilization crumbles as more and more of the boys become members of the hunting party, and there is no one left to do the 'civilized chores'!. Some of the 'littluns' are lost, or drown!. The signal fire goes out!. Those boys who abandoned 'polite society' (AKA Ralph) become more and more savage - to the point that they begin murdering the other boys!.

I believe it is internal - the conflict is coming from the boys!. There is nothing external affecting their choices!. They have perfect freedom to choose whatever they want to do, because there are no adults or rules stopping them!.

I think it affects everything about the story!. The story is ABOUT their descent into chaos!. If the boys has chosen to follow their 'rules' and do their 'chores' by taking turns and being polite, then the signal fire would have kept burning, someone would have come earlier to rescue them, and none of them would have died!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Civilization vs!. savagery occurs during the entire plot!. When the boys first arrive on the island they try to act civilized by having their meetings, making the rule that only the person with the conch shell can speak!.!.!.but as the story continues the "savage" starts to come out of some of the boys because they no longer have the adult (civilized) world to tell them what to do!.
It brings about the whole question of is man born civilized or is he taught to be civilized in order to tame the inner (innate) savage!.

Honestly, its been a few years since I read this book so to find more specific plot points you should go to sparknotes!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

oh i just read this book last year i can help you!.

INTERNAL CONFLICT: Each boy had to struggle between accepting personal freedoms over strict dictatorships!.Www@QuestionHome@Com