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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Ok um i need help on figuring somthing out to start my book?

Question: Ok um i need help on figuring somthing out to start my book!?
In my book that I will be starting soon, I will be writing about a pack of tiger demons who end up having to protect a girl!. Because this girl has something that the I guess you can say the dark side wants =] Like a power you know!? But I can't figure out what to call it!.!.!.!.!. I was hoping it would be somthing that the Elf's have been waiting for!.!.!. A vision that them and a wandering sorcceress have forseen!.!.!. And this 'thing' with the girl, if givin in the wrong hands could destroy the world!.!.!. So what do i call it!? What can the Elf's call it!? If u want to hear more about it just e-mail me =] also when you answer tell me what you think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
How about some Elven sounding words for the 'thing'!?

Emerald Power
Tree Light
Shadow Star
Shadow Emerald
Light Star

and as for the Tiger Demons I would call it something like:

Amethyst Blade
Shadow Gem
Star Stripe
Glow Star
Amethyst Power
Amethyst Star

Why not look on baby naming websites for some exotic sounding names and use that for your name!? Either way your story sounds interesting and the Tiger Demons are original which is nice!.

Good luck and happy writing!!Www@QuestionHome@Com


The girl is an exponent of ephemeral sacrosanctity!. The quality or condition of being safe from assault, trespass, or violation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com