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Question: Help with a book writing question!?
Ok, I'm trying to write a book right now and have a few publishers picked out to send submissions to when I've finished writing it!. On many of the requirements it says i need to indent all paragraphs for easyier reading!. This is no problem but is there a standard length of indentation when submitting work!? like one tab stroke, one space stroke or two space strokes!? What!? Any information is appreciated greatly!. The publisher does not specify this I was just curious if there was a standard deviation!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think if you just use a general tab indent, it will be fine!. This should be set to half an inch!. Check the ruler on top of the page!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, first of all i would advise having the book edited!. Next you really should have a literary agent, the better publishing house require it!. They are free if they like your stuff, and can help to negotiate better pay!. Tab stroke once BTW!.


Half an inch!.Www@QuestionHome@Com