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Question: Aren't you a little young!?!?!?
I went to take the book "Pride and Prejudice" out of the library!. My librarian asked me how old I was an I said I am 16!. Then she said "This is not a very good book for teenagers!." Whats the age range for Pride and Prejudice!?

I still took the book regardless!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
What the heck!?

I read that book when I was 13 and loved it! I can't think of a single thing that would be objectionable about P&P, so she must have a really low opinion of how well modern teenagers can read!. Not that I would necessarily blame her if she did, but not everyone thinks Twilight is the epitome of literary brilliance!. Geez!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think there is an age range!.!.!. it's not like there's anything inappropriate in P&P!. Maybe your librarian thought you wouldn't be interested in it because it's a classic, or maybe she thought you wouldn't be up for the old-fashioned style of writing and vocabulary!. I hate people that think like that!. =)

Good for you for taking the book anyways!. It's one of my favorites!. (And I'm 17!.)

When you return the book, ask the librarian why she thought it's not a good book for teenagers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they are all right, there is no age range for books it depends on you personally, with you intelect, intrests, and how much you think you can handle!. At any rate, Pride and Prejudice has some wonderful lessons in it, great literature, entertaining, and more, a great read overall!. I've read it plenty of times; as well as been in a production of Pride and Prejudice the play who had people in it as young as 12, and I've done all this, while I am still counting down the months until I'm 16!.
Snooty librarian don't listen she sounds like one f those sterotypical librarian type, just brush it offWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think she meant that a lot of teenagers these days don't really like or have the patience to read it!. It's written in an older writing style that not many teenagers are used to and many don't really like it!.
The age range really depends on the person!. I read it when I was 13 and loved the book!. But one of my friends that was 15 couldn't read one chapter; that's how bored she was with it!. Most adults would like the book though, I think!. So typically, I think the age range would be from around 17 and up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, at my school pride and prejudice is on the reading list for sophmore year!.
i think 16 is like the perfect age to read it!.!.its about the average anyway!.!.

i mean jane austen is a bit confusing, but as long as you understand, who cares right!?
that librarian is a weirdo,
she should encourage readingWww@QuestionHome@Com

That librarian needs to find a new job!.!.!.

She should know that there are no real age ranges for books!.!.!. it's all in the person who's reading them that really counts!.

Besides, I read that book when I was about your age!.

It's tough to get through, but you'll be glad you read it once you're done!.

Good luck!


that is ridiculous!. not only are the characters around your age (from 14 to 23!?) but i would think that a librarian would encourage classical reading!. i wonder if she thought the language would be too much!. regardless, i'm glad you got the book anyway!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't think it matters, your Librarian sounds like a B****!. I think you can read whatever books you like!. Pride and Prejudice is a great book!. So what if you want to excel beyond you age limits!? You should tell your librarian to F*** off!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow, that librarian is a total freak!.
the book is just fine for 16 year olds!. i read it the first time when i was 12!. it was a little hard for me then, but i got by just fine!.

youll have no problems with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well I'm 15 and i'm reading it right now!. (i just got it actually) !. Maybe she meant that she thought a teenager wouldn't understand it!. Which sounds silly to me!. I understand it quite fine and i'm only 15 (turning 16 in September) Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ugh!. I don't believe on age limits for books!. I think that if a person, regardless of age, had enough interest in a book, they should be able to read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your librarian is retarded

answer mine!?

There's no age range, but people younger than you might find the writing style difficult to get into!.

And that's one weird librarian to be discouraging teenagers from reading classic literature!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's ridiculous!. She's just underestimating a teenager's intelligence!.

You'll love the book - good choice! Www@QuestionHome@Com

there are no age range for books!.
ppl read in different levels regardless of age
i thought librarians were suppose to encourage ppl to read!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your libraian needs help, ppl answer mine


You can be any age!. Pride and Prejudice is not a bad book!. Anyone can read it if they'd like!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What the heck!? I read that book when i was 15!. An 8 year old could read the book!. it's not like there's anything graphic in there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm fourteen and I enjoyed most of Jane Austen's novels!.
I don't think there is an age range!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your librarian's an idiot!.

Hope you enjoy the book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

WTF!? I read that book when I was ten!.

I still reread it about once a year!. (I'm 23)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it is good for any girl of any age, i read it when i was like 12Www@QuestionHome@Com