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Question: What happened to Bella's baby!?
I'm going to get the book tommorrow!. But I need to know what happened to Bella's baby!. If both the baby's parents are vampires and Bella is a untamed vampire, did they turn the baby into a vampire or keep it human!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Renesmee, often called “Nessie”, for short, is what is known as a vampire hybrid!. She is very much alive, complete with a beating heart (given, a speeding heart) and veins filled with her own blood!. Just like a human, she cannot fully function without it!. Unlike the rest of her vampire family, she is also able to sleep!. However, she is also immortal!. She will continue to grow until the age of seven although she will appear to be about twenty, at which point she will cease aging!. The Cullens know this only because of their encounter with another hybrid, who told tales of him and his sisters!. She is not venomous, as that appears to be a male trait among hybrids!. Nessie is also gifted, like some vampires!. If she wishes, she may touch someone’s face and show them one of her memories!. Ironically, this is the reverse of her father’s power who can read any thought that happens to pass someone's mind!. This came in handy before she could speak, as she could use it to communicate!. She is able to penetrate Bella’s protective shield, and Edward theorizes that this is because, as her gift is the opposite of Edward's, it is also the opposite of Bella's (the ability to shield anyone from a mind-related attack)!. Edward stated that, as Bella keeps everyone out of her mind, no one keeps Renesmee out!.


bella got pregnant and gave birth to the baby while still human, and became a vampire after!. the baby is a happy girl!. she has a heartbeat, and grows quickly!. she can survive on human food or blood!. she of course is apsolutely georgeous!. she is named renesmee!. after renee and esme!.

hope that helps

Renesmee is a half-vampire half-human baby!.!.!. she has a beating heart, but prefers blood over human food, although she can eat the human food!.!.!. she also has the pale white skin like Edward, but still has a little bit of pigmentation!.!.!. and she has blood running through her veins!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Bella and Edward conceived Renesmee when Bella was still human!. The outcome was a half-vampire half-human baby!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

wait for it to be a suprise dont ruin the experienceWww@QuestionHome@Com

Renesmee is a half-vampire!. She has a heart beat, and can survive on either blood or human food!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They turned it into a prehistoric swimming dinosaur and dumped it in a lake!.

did he drop any good loot!?Www@QuestionHome@Com