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Question: Friend needs help with kissing scene in story!. Ideas!?
I'm getting a little bit tired of using all my ideas to help with my friends story!.!.!.so I'm gonna steal you ideas for her lol!. Just a little peice!.

First kiss scene!. Idk how much you need but its Peter and Kayla and they are friends and Peter just goes in for a kiss like out of blew cause thats the kind of guy Peter is but I need them to stare at each of for a second!.!.!.!.But I don't know what they would say!.!.!.heres a little peice that comes before the stare then kiss!.

He shifted his eyes towards me and smiled!. I sighed and leaned my head back on his arm that was around me!.
“Which one are we watching next!?” he asked looking at the DVDs!. I groaned,
“Another one!? I'm so tired!.”
“Tough luck, princess!." He said teasingly!. I glared at him and he glared back!. He laughed proving to me that he was joking!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Right maybe it could go a Little something like this!.!.!.

I smiled at him!. "Fine!. If we're watching another film!. I get to chose!." I picked up the gushiest romantic film in the pile and waved it under his nose!.

"How about this!?" I grinned evilly!.

He groaned and looked at me!. "No way! I hate those films and you know it!. The acting is so fake!"

I sighed!. "I know!. I don't like them much either!. I was trying to wind you up!."

I laughed "Oh god those scenes where they kiss! It all looks so pathetic!"

Peter looked at me!. "Yeah!. I'm sure even we could act better than that!."

"Ha! You wish!."

He frowned at me!. "I do wish!."

We fell silent and as he gazed at me I couldn't help but gaze back!. What was happening!? I could feel myself edging towards him, my eyes still locked on his!. I felt like I was drowning in that sea of blue/brown/green!. (whatever colour his eyes are:P)

In that single moment I felt torn apart and completed at the same time!. How could something so impossible feel so right!? As my eyes began to close I could feel his warm breath on my cheek!. He smelt the same as always, like soap and aftershave and well just Peter!. But this time something was different, something was!.!.!. magical!.

As our lips brushed I melted into him and my heart fluttered!. We were no longer two seperate people, we were joined to each other, hearts beating as one!. I felt like every single one of my hopes and dreams were coming true!. This was the perfect kiss!.

Just a suggestion!. Sorry it's so long and so cheesy!. I like writing =P!. You can probably make it much better but I hope I helped!.


I don't know much about the stories or the characters but here are some ideas you might consider!.

drops some dvd and then kiss kid of on accident
He says "Wouldn't it be wired if I kissed you right now" Then she say yeah like it's a joke and then he kisses her
they fight and he kisses her at random

I think that's the best part of your story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com