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Question: Twilighters!.!.!.who can't wait for the movie, this is for you
I was reading this news about the release of breaking dawn on someone's blog and it said that the jacob actor showed up for it in Michigan!.

Not only is Lautner appearing in "Twilight" this winter, but dad Lautner implied he's getting ready for a follow-up movie for Twilight book series!.

that is what it said on there, so there is going to be a new moon movie! isn't that awesome!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I can't wait!!!! I really hope they do the books some sort of justice!. I know they won't be exactly the same and I can accept that!. But I'm still excited! Especially since it's coming out a week before my birthday!. :)
Hopefully they do all of them!. But I know that if they do the scene from New Moon when Edward leaves!.!.!.!.I'm gonna get teary!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sounds pretty good!. I really wanna see the movie this December!.!.!.but at the same time I think I'll be disappointed!. The movie will do the book no justice!. The book was AMAZING and the movie isn't going to be able to portray every little amazing detail of the book!. Especially the thoughts and feelings that the characters have!. I also think the guy who plays Edward should've been hotter!. I mean, this guy is ok looking, but in my imagination I pictured Edward SOOOOO much better looking!. But I think they did a good casting on all the girls in the film!. All the guys could've been better looking!. I mean, they're vampires who are supposed to be totally HOTT! And none of them are any more than average to me!. Oh well!. That's just my opinion and it will probably get me thumbs downs!. But, at least I spoke the truth!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I CANNOT wait for the movies to come out!. I personally love Taylor as Jacob, but in New Moon he looks SO different after he "goes" wolf!. I think the guy that played Warren Peace in Sky High should play Jacob once he "goes wolf!. It just wouldn't look right, unless Taylor has a growth spurt (I hope this happens b/c he is great as Jacob!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just finished the first book last night, and I watched the movie trailer!.!.!. IT LOOKS AWFUL!!

I just posted a question about why it looks so stupid in the "movies" section!.

The book wasn't terrible!. There were some good parts, and I think it was creative!. There were some pretty stupid parts, though, too!.

But NOT stupid enough to make a movie THAT BAD! I'm disappointed!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes! absolutely awesome!. me and my friends already planned to clear december 12 plans so we can see the movie :]

the only thing is in the trailer it looks like they han fly!.!.!.!. kinda weird but yea!.

im still loking forward to it thoWww@QuestionHome@Com

on imdb it already says New Moon, 2010!!!

answer mine!?

I'm hoping that they will make all the books into movies!. I really hope that they do the books justice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com