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Question: During bella and edward's special nights!.!.!.!.READ DETAILS!!!!
okay some people are saying that there was a rape scene in breaking dawn!. ive read it thrice, and there really isnt one, according to me!. but i am really slow at getting stuff, so pls explain to me if there was a rape scene, or something implied!. also, tell me if u think they humped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, there was no raping in Breaking Dawn, though I guess you could *sort of* say that about the scene where bella wakes up from her dream and basically forces edward into sleeping with her!. Though since he was doing most of the work, that theory dosent work!.
On a legal note!.!.!. their ages are so far apart, even though bella is 18, in some places, it would be considered rape and on edwards part, pedophilia!.
She did get bruising, but when your husband is THAT strong, there's no way to help that!. In edwards opinion, i believe, he thinks that he did that first time!. He thinks that bellas emotions forced her into it!. Its hard to explain!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course there wasn't a rape scene!.
First----they made love on their honeymoon
Second---after Bella woke up from her dream
Third-----when Bella implied they should "Practice"
Fourth-----after they got their little house for Bella's birthday
Fifth------before the Volturi came!. They thought they would all die!.
Six---I guess at the end of the book!.

There might have been more but I don't remember!.

Edward would never rape Bella!.

No, they didn't "hump"!.
I believe the correct term is "Sex" or "Made love"Www@QuestionHome@Com

There wasn't a rape scene, nor any "love making" scene for that matter, just the before and after!. Edward is very strong, there was bound to be some bruising!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Where did you hear that!? No, the only thing that happened was that after they made love when she was human, she had bruises, which was unavoidable, because Edward is so strongWww@QuestionHome@Com

There is no rape scene!.Www@QuestionHome@Com