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Question: Should i buy the twilight book!?
Theres so much fuss about the twilight series,should i seriously get it!? is it worth spending money on!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
OF COURSE! Shame on you for doubting Twilight!. It's an amazing book! The best book I have ever, ever, ever read!. And trust me!.!. I've read a lot of books!. I was never into romance or vampires, etc!. But after I read 'Twilight' - my opinion changed on everything!. You'll be obsessed!. Especially with Edward!. It's about this girl, Bella, who risks her life and everything else when she falls in love with a young vampire, Edward!. Read it!. It's worth spending your money on!. In fact, I bought TWO copies of it!. One hardback and one paperback!. Trust me, it's worth it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In all honesty!.!.!.
The story was cheesy and done many times!.
The main lady was a Mary Sue!.
And the writing in general gave me a headache!.

Even some of the best writers, and most awesome people I know name it as their guilty pleasure!. I would never pick up the book again, but I suggest to most girls (definitely not a boy book), to check it out, because they're just as likely as anyone else to find their own guilty pleasure in it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on what you want from a book!.
If you want a book that its really easy to get into, fun to read and kinda trashy in its own way, then yeah!.
If you are in to really well written books, with character development and carefully constructed plots, then no!.


seriously, i thought it was gonna be so stupid, but it seriously is amazing!. it's totally worth it!.

be prepared to have like four days of being locked in your room reading the whole series!. you won't be able to stop reading!.


Yes, you should!.
I was already captivated with just reading the first chapter!.
most books, I have to read a few chapters in order for me to get in to it!.

And it is also written in first person; I like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats such a dumb question!. On every page on yahoo answers for books TWILIGHT is always brought up!. YES GO GET IT it's only $8 and your $8 is worth itWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yes! hahaha im a twilight fan!.
perhaps u could go over the summary and see if ure interested!.

HELL YES! The Twilight Series are the the best books i've ever read! You should definitely buy it! Twilight rox my soxs!Www@QuestionHome@Com

DEFINITELY!. best books ever! and i've read a lot of books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'd say yes, i really enjoyed all of the books!
but if your unsure get it from the library and decide for your selfWww@QuestionHome@Com