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Question: BD :What do you think about Jacob's imprinting !?*spoilers*
I never ever ever ever imagined that Jacob would imprint on Bella's daughter or "Reneseme" !! Okay I layed a list like Tanya (Who didn't!?) Irina!. I even thought he might end up with Leah without imprinting ofcourse, Not imprinting or ending up with someone for a matter of fact!.

So it was quite a surprise considering I aways assumed Bella's baby monster will turn out to be a boy!.

So what do you guys think !?!

I kind of liked it at the beginnig totally shocked !.!. but then again !.!. I don't know it didn't feel like Jacob anymore !.!. I mean come on

He and Bella are still friends but !.!.!.!. I don't know it's kind of sad!.

anyway !.!.!.!.

What do you think !?!? You could list who you thought it could have been !.!. make me laugh with you lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I can just imagine his proposal to her:
"Nessie, my love, I once wanted to rip out your fathers throat and I used to want to get naked with your mother - but will you marry me!?"

Breaking Dawn was just strange!. I can't think of any other way to describe it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One word!. Horrible!. Part of the intrigue of the saga for me was how obsessed Jacob was with Bella even though he knew they would never be together!. Now that's gone!. It made me so mad I seriously started hyperventilating!.
I agree, it's so not Jacob! I thought he would never imprint!. He loved Bella too much!.
And on Renesmee!? UGH! ugh ugh ugh!. I can't say it enough!.
That's sick and perverted and SO not Jacob!.
The baby should have been a boy!. Then Jacob wouldn't have imprinted and fans would be so much happier, I think!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG, my mouth hung open for couple of min!. when i found out that jacob has imprinted bella's daughter!. omg i was so freaking surprised!.!.!. over all i liked the book!. now i don't hate jacob at all!. i think meyer should now write book in Nes--renesmee :P pov (when she grows up)!. she should focus on nessie and jacob!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought it was just sick!. Bella is the woman Jacob kissed, slept with (not sex, just sleep), and imagined pregnant with his child!.

In my opinion that was not only a stupid twist, it was a disgusting one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Omg Bella's daughter!.!.!.
seriously I thought he would imprint on sum nice gurl in his age but he imrprinted on a baby!.!.!.!.Bella's baby!

Worse ending stephenie could give Jake!.!.!.
I almost cried as I read the imprinting part!.!.!.

I actually predicted that Jacob would imprint on Nessie!. As soon as Bella got pregnant I thought she was going to have a girl and Jacob was going to imprint on her (which happened)!. So I was in now way surprised that it happened!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I Totally hate it! I Was so annoyed!.!. why would she do that to him!?!?!? I Love jake, but my story for him stops when he goes to the park and looks for someone to imprint on!.!. And WOW he finds me!!!!!! xD Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL at Sasha's answer!.

It's yucky!. Seriously! He was DEEPLY IN LOVE with Bella! What they both had was more than just normal love! They were CONNECTED!
And now, Bella's daughter!?
Um, ew!.
Of all people, of ALL the girls in the world!.
it's disgusting!.

I wished he just imprinted on that Lizzie girl in the park! She seems nice!
Or even Leah!
Ugh! But WHY Nessie!? First of all, Nessie shouldn'tve existed!.
Oh whatever!. I'm still for Jacob and Bella/Jacob and Leah/ Jacob and Lizzie!.

Worst ending possible!. Never in my wildest dreams have I imagined this happening!. Why oh why did Jake always has to have the most rotten endings!?!?!?!?

But if Nessie could make Jake HAPPY for the rest of his life then!.!.!.why not, right!?
Sigh!. I really wish she could give everything to Jake!. Jake deserves more than everything in the world combined!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww so gross how could he the pervert (don't hurt me jacob fans) but then he trys to keep bella away from her daughter so nasty i also think BD was like a bad fanficWww@QuestionHome@Com