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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does any one know what the name of this book is?

Question: Does any one know what the name of this book is!?
I read it about a couple of years ago!. It was about these two kids who thought ghosts were living their lives in their house but they couldn't see them!. Until later they found out they were the ghosts and had died by drowning in an outside ice skating rink!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"All On A Winter's Day by Lisa Taylor
"The story starts off with two children who wake up one morning and their mother has left, they assume to go to the store!. The two kids go ice skating on the nearby lake and when they return home, they found their house inhabited with two ghost children being tormented by their abusive aunt!. The two original kids decide they must need to help the ghost kids so they can find peace!. I won't spoil it but it has a fantastic twist at the end and is a haunting tale"

You may try the forum links below , I hope you find your book - good luck !.

Maybe it's The turn of the screw by Henry James!?


no clue sorry