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Question: What is your opinion on Breaking Dawn!?
The new book in the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A little too happy, because in the end, EVERYONE got what they wanted!. Which is nice, but kind of left me hanging!. I mean, then what were the first 3 books about!? Those conflicts eventually amounted to nothing, because (SPOILERS) Bella got Edward & become a vampire, Edward got Bella, Bella & Jacob were able to stay friends, Jacob imprinted, & the Volturi left the Cullens alone!. But Stephenie Meyer did her best to wrap up the Twilight Saga in the best possible way, & I respect her for that!.

It was my least favorite of the series, but it was still really fun to read!. It takes a good book for me to finish reading it in less than 2 days!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i seriously do not know why every one hates it so much!. for me it was perfect!. the only thing is that i am sad it is over!. what a ride right!? *sigh* man i cannot get over that book like my brain will not get over it lol!. i am happy it is a happily ever after type of ending even tho we dont really know whats gunna happen!. and i downloaded the river flows in you by yiruma, it reminds me of edwards lullaby to bella!. i am listening 2 it right now bout to cry lol!. =[ man im so sad!. but i think its ahrder for me because i read twilight last week and didnt put down the series until finishing breaking dawn so yeah!.!.!. thats my fault for waiting that long and now im hoplessly in love with the book and especially with edward!. man i should rap this is im gunna start ballin up here lol!. and i should totally visit Forks, its not that far from seattle, on the peninsula [i love how it takes place in washington! i love it here, best place ever!. so peaceful]

edit: i cant wait for the movie, i hope they make it hopelessly romantic!. thats what i love baout the books!. =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think it was a good way to end the series!. although i was surprised at how stephanie meyer set up the book!. i didn't expect bella 2 have been bitten so early on since stephanie mad such a big to do about how painful/long the venom was and how much new vampires lack self control!. and i was surprised about renesme!.

although i don't think they really resolved the conflict with the volturie very well!.!.!.!. i think that they are going to come back because, lets face it, the cullens have showed them up and humiliated them a few too many times!.!.!.!. watch ur back is all i have to say!

i can't believe i wrote so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really liked it!. I was happy for Jacob that he got what he needed (keyword needed, not wanted) and Bella's only doubts were fixed!. I don't think that she could have ended it any other way and I am glad that she did!. I only wish there was more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Meh!.!.!.!.I thought it was okay but extremely predictable!. I also felt she made Bella's "talents" very convenient for her story!. I just thought she was reaching a bit!. Okay book but it could have been much much better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when i was reading it i thought it was really weird and she was pushing things but over all i really liked it! and i love stephanie's writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't like any of the Twilight series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Typical teenage girl rubbishWww@QuestionHome@Com

excellent very good but i'm sad that it's gonna end it was really good like equally as good as the restWww@QuestionHome@Com

I loved it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was annoying and corny just like the previous booksWww@QuestionHome@Com