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Question: I this a good book idea!?
i just wanted to know!. The book is called a faithful shot!. The Russian Separatist group called BOHNA is planning a major attack on the Russian government!. If overthrown BOHNA would use its 6691 nuclear weapons to attack the US starting a nuclear war that would take decades to recover from!. The United States plan of action is to assassinate its leaders before anything happens!. One problem, most of the leaders are diplomats and if killed it would constitute war against Russia!. They hire John Chang, a Chinese gang leader with a history of killing, theft, and violence, to do so!. On his first mission John and his friend Chris successfully kill the man, but something goes wrong and Chris is killed!. Little did John know the US placed a Chinese badge on the body of Chris!. Now John is forced under blackmail to work for the government!. John, under the supervision of Agent Rodriguez, must kill ten men and frame the Chinese government!. All the while finding out secret plans to bomb our troops!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Basically, yes, but in the circumstances, Russia would probably ally themselves with the US!. America certainly wouldn't use some Chinese gang leader!. They'd use Delta Force, or perhaps you could develop an even more secret Special Ops!. group!? They could work with the Russian Spetsnatz force!. Details of both Delta and Spetsnatz can be found on Wikipedia!. Just an idea!.
Good luck
Mike BWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'd read itWww@QuestionHome@Com