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Question: In Twilight Why Does James Track Bella!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's her scent!. Think about how Edward explains the scent of Bella's blood!. It is delicious and intoxicating!. Think of it this way!.!.!. your mother is cooking your absolute favorite meal- but you are at work that day!. All you can think about is getting home in time to have mom's amazing!.!.!. (example!?) chicken parmigiana, filet mignon, whatever! Bella was James' lobster tails with melted butter LOL!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's her scent!. Think about how Edward explains the scent of Bella's blood!. It is delicious and intoxicating!. Think of it this way!.!.!. your mother is cooking your absolute favorite meal- but you are at work that day!. All you can think about is getting home in time to have mom's amazing!.!.!. (example!?) chicken parmigiana, filet mignon, whatever! Bella was James' lobster tails with melted butter LOL!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He tracks her for two reasons:

1!. Her scent is appealing to him as it is to Edward!.

2!. As said in the book, he loves a challenge and when he is presented a huge coven of vampires all dedicated to saving one meaningless girl, he sees a great challenge! He wants to be able to beat them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

basically for the thrill of it!.
because he knows edward will get mad and he's practically defying him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So he can eat her!!! She smells Awesome!! And he was bored :PWww@QuestionHome@Com
