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Question: The host!? what is that!?
im confused what is the host!? another name for breaking dawn!? is there another book i dont know about!?!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Another Fantabulous book by the amazing author Stephenie Meyer, in no way linked the Twilight series, it is a very good book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Host is a completely separate book from the twilight series!. Written by stephenie meyer, its "for adults", unlike twilight which is aimed more for teenagers apparently!. It's "science fiction for people who don't like science fiction!."
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I have yet to read it but the story sounds very interesting to me!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is another book by stephenie meyer!. It is not about the twilight characters and it is sci fi!. Ive read it and it is very good!. if you like the twilight books you should consider reading it!. it is slow in the beginning but it is very good!. I loved it!.!. it is not a series thow!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the host is a book written by Stephanie Meyer!.
It is not part of the Twilight series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its a sci-fi book, well not really its catch phrase is "science fiction for those who dont like sci-fi"

its by Stepehine Meyer, not part of twilight tho!.!.!.about aliens i think