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Question: A question about a passage in the book TWILIGHT!? [passage included]
ok here is the paragraph!.

Then he took my face in his hands almost roughly, and kissed me in earnest, his
unyielding lips moving against mine!.
There really was no excuse for my behavior!. Obviously I knew better by now!. And yet I
couldn't seem to stop from reacting exactly as I had the first time!. Instead of keeping
safely motionless, my arms reached up to twine tightly around his neck, and I was
suddenly welded to his stone figure!. I sighed, and my lips parted!.
He staggered back, breaking my grip effortlessly!.
"Damn it, Bella!" he broke off, gasping!. "You'll be the death of me, I swear you will!."

i dont understand, what did she do to hurt him!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
since her blood is really appealing to edward, he is always making himself not lose control, but when bella opens her mouth, it's sorta like her breath smell that good to him too, and he wants to drink her blood right then!.

i'm sorry this is a little impossible to get, but i'm not really good at explaining parts of books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You see he didn't hurt her!. It's just bella's scent is very tempting to Edward, and that scent is the scent of her blood!. So if one wrong thing happens he might get pushed to far and then kill her because of the beast inside him!. And if Bella dies he can't live without her like in New Moon (I'm not going to tell just in case you didn't read it!. It will spoil the book!.) But basically if he goes over, gets a to strong scent he could lose control and kill Bella!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

she WANTS him and she needs to be still but its to hard and she is irresistable to him so he doesnt want her to move cause he might kill her and if she would die he would kill himself cause he loves her so much!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whenever she opens her mouth, her smell is too irresistible for him and he thinks he is going to be overcome with the desire to kill her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

he didn't hurt him!. edward still has some control issues with his bloodlust so he sets boundries so he won't get cought up!. also if he lost himself in the kiss he's so strong he could accidently hurt her tooWww@QuestionHome@Com

yes, again it's just himself, the pain of resisting killing her because he loves her!.
Read on and very soon it's explained!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He's a VAMPIRE, he thinks that he won't be able to containe himself, and he would have to drink her blood, and kill himself, because he couldn't stand hurting her!Www@QuestionHome@Com

He can smell her scent more clearly when she opens her mouth and so it makes it difficult for him to stop himself from killing her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She didn't hurt him, he tries to stay in control around her because he's afraid of hurting HER!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

when theyre kissing and she does that, its harder for him to resist killing her!. But she cant help herself!. Www@QuestionHome@Com