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Question: When writing are you afraid!.!.!.!?
that if you curse in the book and it DOES get published your parents will read it and be like "oh! so graphic!"

idky but thats how i see it!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Wow, this reminds me of myself!. My parents got a hold of one of my note books once and were very upset to find that the first scene was of a man's violent death!. They didn't know what to think, let alone the contents of my character's dialogue!. If you want to write something but feel uncomfortable with your parents pending reaction!. Talk to them!. Say "I'm writing a story where my characters say unsavory things, but what they say and do is not how I act!.!." My parents finally got over it!. Now every time some one reads a piece of my work, and their face is going pale, my parents roll their eyes and say!. "She's a writer!." Your character's demeanor and yours is different, as long as your parents know that!. You'll be fine! Write what you feel comfortable with!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

I sometimes send drafts of stories to family members to look over (like my uncle and dad), and yes at times I think for a moment, will they think less of me because this is politically incorrect!?

But then I remember there's a purpose to the scene that builds this character's life to a certain crux, and without the scene it wouldn't be the same!.

That's how it should be, if you curse, use a sex scene or violence, make sure that it has as much a place in the puzzle as every other scene, or cut it!.

Your parents may look at a tasteless entertainment sex scene as raunchy and inappropriate!.

They'd be right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A famous writer (whose name I can't recall) once said, "Write like you have no parents!."

She was specifically referring to sex scenes, but I think it covers everything really!. I have written sex, profanity and some rather disturbing scenes!. My parents know I am an adult and they have to deal with it!. So far I haven't had any problems with my Mom being shocked or anything!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!. First of all, my mom doesn't really like to read!. Second of all, she's not very involved with my novel!. And third of all, I curse at home so it shouldn't bother her that my fictional characters are cursing!. I mean, they're fictional!. They do things I wouldn't want to do!. Things she wouldn't allow me to do, but it's fine!. They're not real!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

LOL I understand! My reason to do that kind of thing is to make it seem real!. Look back at the book and take out all the curses that does not fit!. Keep the rest, because you feel that it is needed for the book!.

Don't worry about it too much!. Just let them know that you want it to feel very real to anyone who reads it!. ^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am not afaraid
they will be proud of me bc of my writing and it's a book u know
like if i actually say it yea they will be like "U watch ur language!" lol
but in a book i don't think they will mind
but they will be surprised how i came up with all that

and here it is
there r some curse words in this peace of writing i wrote
please help me
and tell me what u think


If there is a death scene or a love scene or mentionings of drinking and drugs and murders and going insane, I am afraid my parents will say that!. I don't do any of that stuff, but you have to spice up you writing and have something going on!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha me too, just tell your parents that the only way to get by in the writing industry is to be more adult and mature and to write things that people like!. which just happens to be cursing:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'd be more worried about writing a lousy story than writing a story that had "bad" language in it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes very afraidWww@QuestionHome@Com

Nah!.!.!. if you're old enough to curse that is!.!.!. my dad wouldn't like it but my mom's okay with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com