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Question: Whats more important in writing novels!.!.!.!?
would you say writing a well thought out well written book, or a best seller intended for teens with simpler writing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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A good book is a good book, regardless of subject matter or intended audience or purpose!. "The Scarlett Letter" would not be perpetually taught in high school and college English classes if it was a terrible book!.
"Dumbed down" for a specific age group never sells well!. Some books are well-crafted with no regard to a specific age group and sell consistently because they are written well!. Consider the perpetual popularity of "Robinson Crusoe", Books by Rudyard Kipling, and adventure stories by Robert Louis Stevenson such as "Treasure Island!." They are rediscovered by successive generations because they are simply good stories, well-told and not dumbed down for modern teens!.!. The Harry Potter series was most emphatically NOT "dumbed down" for 6th graders and it was purchased and read by adults and 5th graders alike!. Stephen King, Robert Grafton, Zane Grey, and Louis L'Mour still sell continuosly because they wrote good stories which were never "dumbed down" for a specific age group!.
It's better to focus on the story using the language appropriate to the characters acting out and participating in the story!. Have your characters speak teen if your story is about teens!. Have your characters speak with accents and common street language if it is set on the streets of Brooklyn, New York, and have your characters speak slang if that is how they talk!. But never dumb your writing down!. Very few best sellers for teens are written with poor, 'dumbed-down' language!. The "Redwall" series is written at what some would be considered to be 11th grade language yet was read by junior high kids!. The language in the current fantasy and magic novels for teens can be as complicated as most fantasy novels for adults!. On the opposite end of the spectrum, "Holes" uses a simpler language but the story is very good and told as clearly as possible!.
A well-thought out, well-written book will hold its own over time!. Let me tell you, nobody reads very many books written by the in trend hot star of the time!. Very few books written by the current hot star are sold 20 years later!. Believe me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The most important thing is a piece of work that is well thought out with a message intintended between the lines!. It's only subject matter that decides weather a book is for teens or adults, not the way it's written!. Books are turned out every day, but only the ones that are thought out and given great attention, are the ones that are truely remembered as "Great!." Writing should come before cash!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Simple writing!. No!. I find it offensive when people think teenagers can't comprehend anything if it's not in the simplest terms possible!. Teenagers are smarter than that and if people actually challenged them instead of feeding their stupidity, then they'd become even smarter!.

I say more important is writing a well-thought out book that is well-written!. It has to have other elements of course!. But I'd rather read a well-written book then books that sound like a twelve year old wrote them, which is why I avoid books where the main characters are younger than me!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your target audience is a big factor in writing but choosing to write for a teen audience doesn't mean that you shouldn't have "a well thought out and well written book" or that you should use "simpler writing!." In fact, in some ways it is more difficult to write for teens because they can be very tough critics!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

For me it has to be a well thought out book!. Make everything you have written come to a close towards or at the end, unless you intend on writing a sequel!. It wouldn't make sense if you added little notes here and there that have nothing to do with the plot!. It confuses people!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

i would have to say unless your looking for money it would have to be the quality of the book, if you really want to be a talented author your work should mean something that lasts a lifetime!. putting yourself into a book isnt a quick process but its worth it in the longrunWww@QuestionHome@Com

Do it well or don't bother!. Www@QuestionHome@Com