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Question: Who lost interest in Twilight after reading Breaking Dawn!?
I did and it really got me mad!. Of course I was 'obsessed' about it after reading the three but the wait and the way she wrote it!.!.!.she just put no heart in it =[ Www@QuestionHome@Com

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i agree! i was so dissapointed in that book i expected it to be so much better!. i think it was a big waste of paper!. and how on earth did she come up with that name for her daughter!?! its ridiculous! bella changed so much it was like she wasnt even the same person that she was in the other books!. the time i wasted reading this book was to much!. im still looking forward to morning sunrise though cuz atleast those books are still goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

I was really upset that Jake imprinted on Bella's kid!. I really wanted him to like either get Bella or not imprint at all!. That made me mad, but I knew the whole time that he and Bella would never get together!. Another thing that made me angery was that I really wanted her to go though the whole "crazy newborn" faze, and the fact that she didn't was like WHY!!.

I really want her to write another one, maybe about Jake and Nessie's relationship or something, to make up from the disappointment of Breaking Dawn, although I did enjoy the story overall!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm exactly like you!. I was OBSESSED with EVERYTHING Twilight after the third book!. I even bought that Bella bracelet online and I made a Team Jacob shirt!. Oh, and a cheerleader outfit!. I was a diehard fan!. I really loved Eclipse!. It was great!. And New Moon!. It rocked cuz Edward left!.
But then, Breaking Dawn happened!.
Now, I'm, officially a Twi-hater!. Of course, I would still love Jacob Black forever and ever and ever and I'm sure I'll still keep reading Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse over and over again, anyway!. I just hated Breaking Dawn!. Sure, I only disliked one book but that book made me realize how the whole Twilight Series was just dumb, stupid and immoral!. Giving your whole humanity for ONE guy!? Who's not even a guy! Ugh, gross!.
Plus, her vampires!? Too disgusting, too perfect, too annoying!. Her concept of "true love"!? Too childish and non sensible!. The name Renesmee!? Too cheap sounding!.

And it didn't even have a plot!. Nor a climax!. Nor a real ending!. I was expecting a battle! Ugh! And no one died! That's what I want most of all! I wanted Edward, or at least any Cullen or important character to die!
The way she wrote it!.!.!.WORSE than fan fiction!. I could write better than her!. I'd give a real plot and a real ending!.

Breaking Dawn just screwed up!. Though I'd always be a Jacob fan!!! :)

Peace to the BD and Edward lovers,
--Chelsea [who is on Team Jacob til death]Www@QuestionHome@Com


I get nauseas every time I see a Twilight book-- literally!. I had to take my copies of Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse and put them in a box because I couldn't stand looking at them and it made me sick to think about it!.

Twilight is ruined in my book!. I've never been a fan, but I still got some enjoyment out of them!. But BD killed that completely, lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was completly diapionting!. the characters were OC, the bella-prego thing was stupid, and Jake/Reneesme!? nu uh!. nooooo!. sosososo wrong! I cant believe I stayed until midnight to buy the book at the mall!. it wasn't worth it!. what the heck happened to Stephanie Meyer!. She inspired me to write!. She wrote down an actual dram she had, the wrote and award-winning book with no connection to the writing world her shole life!. then she writes this!.
im not even sure i want to spend money on Midnight Sun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I didn't really lose interest in it!.!.
But I was disappointed!.

Disappointed, in a way, that I was not expecting that those things would happen!.

I was still happy, though!.
since Edward and Bella live happily ever after!.

Plus: RENESMEEWww@QuestionHome@Com

i didnt, i just hate that its all done!.i love the series and wish that there were mmore for me to read!. theres never gonna be another book as good as this series!.!. :[Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have not read it yet but they say it was not worth like the others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i didn't!.!.!.!.it still holds strong in my book :)

can't wait till the movie :)Www@QuestionHome@Com


i feel the exact same way

and the ending was lame to

happly ever after!?then the end


i lost interest but i still want to see the movieWww@QuestionHome@Com