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Question: What can I write for the plot of New Moon!?
I'm dong a book project, and we have to write the plot, but we can't completely give the whole story away!. So what should I write (or not write)!? I don't want you guys to waste your time writing the whole thing out for me, plus I want it in my own words!. Just some ideas would be great!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well explain that Edward left, and that she is finding comfort in Jacob, but maybe don't give away whether or not Edward is coming back; possible leave the options like he died, or he doesn't still love her!. Something to make them want to find out!. Or you can say he comes back but say that she has to choose, however we don't know her choice until the last book, so I'm not sure thats the direction you want to go in!. Best of luck! xx :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

New Moon

You could write about how Bella and Edward really love each other and can't survive without each other!. You could write about the Volturi messing everything up!. You could write about the bonding friendship of Bella and Jacob!. Don't give the ending away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

possibly give it some sort of Fantasy feel, where the hero has to collect crystals from different worlds, or medallions, culminating in entering the Moon itself for the final battleWww@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing!.!.!.bang b!.Www@QuestionHome@Com