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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Has Stephenie Meyer made any comments or responded at all to the BD fiasco?

Question: Has Stephenie Meyer made any comments or responded at all to the BD fiasco!?
Has she defended herself or responded or anything to the horrible reviews and mad fans!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think I saw something about a short video series on Entertainment Weekly's website - interviews with SM, talking about Breaking Dawn!. I haven't watched them, so I don't know exactly what the topic(s) is/are!.!.!. review responses, general interview-type stuff, or what!.
Actually, I'll go watch a few of the videos right now and get back to you!. =)

Yeah, as mentioned in another answer, she calls it the "Rob effect" - when the cast for the Twilight movie was released, fans were a little iffy on Robert Pattinson, and then they warmed up to him, and now they love him!. She's saying the same thing is happening with BD!.
She also says that she "knew it was going to be an interesting ride for a lot of people" - talked about how the ending of the series in fans' minds was vs!. her actual ending of the series, and BD not matching up to all of the fans' imagined endings!.
She says she wants everyone to love it, but she wanted BD to be what SHE wanted!.!.!. and that's what matters!. I agree with her here; being as successful as she's been, she should be writing for herself!.
And all that was from the first two minutes of the first video!. Sheesh!.
Meyer attempts to explain the vampire-reproduction thing in Video 2!. And Bella's pregnancy!. And this is as far as I'm watching!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

no, she turned her back on us and said this was the "rob effect"!. that is when rob was first chosen as edward, everyone hated him, but now they love him!. She thinks the same thing is going to happen for bd, and says the fans need to "learn to live with it" what a pathetic statement!. she is not going to have a successful career ahead of her is she keeps that attitude upWww@QuestionHome@Com

Check her website www!.stephaniemeyer!.com
i did not think it was a bad book, however!. I liked the happy ending she gave to everyone, except Irina, but whatever, she deserved it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

she did an interview with the twilight lexicon talking about her decisions in the book!. It helps to understand why she wrote it the way she did!. Check it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

idk about you guys but i thought bd was a great book and if people are lame and dont see that then they can just deal with it Stephenie Meyer is rightWww@QuestionHome@Com

errr! i think she should rewrite it!. Seriously!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com