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Question: Modern books with a basis in an old story or book
I want as many as you can think of!. You can list movies too!. Cinderella has been written as Ella Enchanted!.
Sidney White is clearly Snow White!. Don't limit it to these!. Prince and the Pauper, Taming of the Shrew, any Shakespear, etc!.

The more you come up with the better!. I'm looking mostly for books though!. Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Adele Geras has written 'THE EGERTON HALL TRILOGY'!. Which consists of three books based on fairytales!. The books take place in a boarding school in 1962 but are based on Rapunzel, Sleeping Beauty and Snow White!. They are:
1!.The tower room- Rapunzel
2!.Watching the Roses- Sleeping Beauty
3!.Pictures of the Night-Snow White
They are brilliant books well worth reading!


Lots of movies are updated shakespeare or classic

Twelfth Night She's The Man
West Side Story Romeo and Juliet
10 Things I Hate About You Taming of the Shrew
Clueless Emma


twilght was writen on the basis of romeo and juliet and new moon or eclipse was writen on the basis of wuthering heightsWww@QuestionHome@Com