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Question: What is the meaning of the title "Breaking Dawn!?"

Oh and how the heck are they going to make Breaking Dawn into a movie if they do!? Wouldn't it be pretty boring and disturbing on the movie screen!?

also, if Jake stays with the vampires will he stay a werewolf and stay the same age forever!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Breaking -- to make way, to begin suddenly and violently, to initiate
Dawn -- a first appearance, a beginning
So overall, it means to make way for something new!. It is referring to Bella's beginning of a new life, of being a vampire!. In becoming a vampire, it was a sudden huge change in her existence!. She is transformed into a new being, beginning a brand new way of life!. It is basically the true dawn of her life, because she will live forever!. also, Stephenie Meyer needed something to do with times of day (new moon, eclipse, twilight, midnight sun) and it made sense!. Other than the analogy to Bella, the name is never mentioned in the book unlike Twilight and Eclipse!.

Apparently Stephenie Meyer has asked that Breaking Dawn be split into two movies because it is so long!. In my opinion, I agree with you -- it would be pretty boring, and, because of the birth scene and the pregnancy, it would be quite disturbing!. Personally, I think that they might not even make it into a movie!. It would be such a hard movie to make good!. If they actually do make a movie, it would be a single one, they would have to add some things and tone down the disturbing images!.

Yes, Jake would remain the same age forever, but not because he stays with the vampires!. Because werewolves need to be young to phase, if he phases regularly into a werewolf, he will stay young!. So, he will stay with Nessie forever because she, too, is immortal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have multiple theories of the title!. One could be that it is the Dawn of a new way for the vampires!. At the end, they mentioned that the Volturi could be overruled, possibly, one day!. ANother thing could be that Bella will no longer be able to feel the warmth of the sun on her skin and so the Dawn is broken!? -shrug- Just blind guesses!.

And I don't believe they'll even get as far as New Moon, movie-wise!. I think that Twilight is going to be /horrible/!. I doubt they'll get to Breaking Dawn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephenie said breaking dawn meant a new beginning, etc etc!.
The movie part, yeah that would be really weird, again stepenie said that she would want it in two movies!. And she knows where to divide it!. She said that in some MTV interview before the book came out!.

After the book came out the twilight lexicon asked about the jacob and nessie thing, and she says as long as jacob keeps changing he wont age, and we know she wills top aging at one point, so they will be there for each other!. she doesnt know if he will become a vamp or not, but they will stay together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The meaning is that it is darkest before dawn then it brightens up!. :) Breaking Dawn will probually be made into a movie if the other movies do well!. Yes it would be a little more adult content with all of the ummm stuff!! Jacob decides when he starts to age again!. When he stops turning into a wolf he will start to age!. But if he want that to happen he has to be in complete controll of hi anger!. He won't age if he stays a wolf!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Werewolves are protectors from the "cold ones"!. As long as the vampires are there, they stay as werewolves and don't age!. (I think - I'm not sure about this fact - correct me if I'm wrong)!. So, probably!.

The story plots from movies, & the ones from books are created differently!. As you probably saw from the Twilight movie, Bella was awake when Edward came in at the ballet studio!. But, in the book, she wasn't!. If they did it word for word for the movie, then it would be very awkward - like, Bella would black out, and then she wakes up in the hospital, then people (who haven't read the book) would be like "WTF!?" They'll adjust Breaking Dawn somehow, to fit into movie material!. (I haven't read the book, but it seems pretty dramatic, so yeah)!.

I'm not sure, but I think Breaking Dawn!.!.!.er, you know how the series goes like this: Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, then Breaking Dawn!? Kinda like the sequence of a typical night!. (Well, no not really, but just follow with me here!.) Breaking Dawn could represent the end of the night, end of the darkness (end of all the trouble & drama); the beginning of a new day; a new beginning (especially for Bella)!. But that's only my opinion!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe it means Bella's new dawn as a vampire!. Or it could mean something else like Jacob (werewolf) falling in love with Renessme (vampire) thus ending the long war between wolves and vampires!. Then it could be talking about a vampire having a vampire child that could grow even though it is against vampire policy!. It could mean any of those things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't think it has a meaning!.
Twilight's cover had a meaning "the forbidden fruit"
But if they made it a movie it would have to be PG-13 or R (I doubt it)
Or they could do what they did in Juno lol
Yes Jake will be the same age as long as he keeps turning into a werewolf!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dont know but it might have to do with how they talk about dawn like you know "the sun rose bla bla bla" you know and it depends how they film it i doubt it like in harry potter movies they make them more exciting than they would be if they went by the book yes because he imprinted in nessie and he never wants to leave her let alone dieWww@QuestionHome@Com

i never knew that any of the book titles from the twilight series had any meaning to them!. she probably just chose it because it sounded cool or something along those lines!.


i was wondering that myself!.!.!. since jacob imprinted on bellas daughter who will never age at all once she hits 7 years!.!.!.will jacob ever start to age agian!?Www@QuestionHome@Com