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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Don't you kinda feel bad for Stephanie Meyer?

Question: Don't you kinda feel bad for Stephanie Meyer!?
There's an article and a video about her reaction to all the complaints!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think the criticism she received was harsh but unavoidable

At the end of the day she cant please everyone with an ending simply because of all the possible outcomes she created!.

I personally enjoyed the book and anyone who thinks its a let down to the series endings can just ignore it and imagine their own ending for the story!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i guess i do feel sorry for her!. she just wrote the book for herself!. and ive seen all of the amazon boards and read them, and theyre pretty bad!. if stephenie actually reads those, im sure she'll be hurt!.
i think she was under a huge pressure with the deadline!. a TON of people wanted the book to come out, which forced her to write fast and messy!.
and her editors didnt do that great of a job with the grammer and the unnecessary parts!. there was some stuff that could have definitely been cut out and revised!.

so yes, i guess i do feel bad for her!. but tis not like she had nothing to do with it!. its the way life is!. she cant have everything, and critisism is just part of a writers life!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

first thing, first!.!. It's STEPHENIE and not STEPHANIE!.

I hate how those people reacted with this!.
I super love STEPHENIE MEYER for writing these Twilight Series!.
If not for her, there would be no Bella-Edward team up!
And there would be no more excitement (kisses and all)!.

I super love these!.!.
If I'm Stephenie, I would be dissapointed!.!. with all the effort and all!

She works hard for these books (especially the Breaking Dawn) with all the people who have higher expectations about it's ending,,, so better appreciate it!.
She's the writer and not you!.
So respect every scene!.

BUT if you can't,
Make a book of your own!.
And let's see if you can reach the Twilight Series had gone through!.!.

I'm not taking to the one who ask this but I'm talking to all people in general!.!. =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, you just can't please people!. I loved Breaking Dawn! It was good, despite the flaws!. I enjoyed it!. It was a good way to end the series, though I was hoping for more books from the Twilight saga!.

I would love to see the people bashing Twilight to write a book of their own!. I think it wouldn't even reach the bestseller's list!.

STEPHENIE did her best, and we're just lucky enough that she shared this story with us in the first place!.*

*She dreamed of a girl and a vampire in the meadow, which lead to Twilight series!. The manuscript was supposed to be for her sister, but her sis urged her to get it published!. The rest is history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think the whole series was terrible with characters that were too perfect and absolutely flat and dry!.


I don't think its right for anyone to comment too badly, after all, no one forced you to buy the book!.


I DO think Meyers should stop publishing her books that only disgrace the world of literature!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i do!!
i thought the book was great!!!
the writing style seemed the same as the previous books (so for those that liked the first 3 books i don't see the problem!?)
i think its just people moaning because the book didn't go the way they wanted it to, which i suppose is a compliment having people get so involved in you work, but they should remember, she writes the stories we just read them!.


No!. She's a very wealthy and succesful author,a nd she can't expect everyone to love everything she writes!. Anyone who publishes a book must be prepared for criticism!. Plenty of people loved 'Breaking Dawn', and she ought to be able to take the criticisms of those who didn't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um no!. She doesn't seem real!. She seems as rushed and irritating as her final book!. I'm hurt too!. I grew to love her characters!. now I cant even bear to ready twilight again!. I must admit one thing though!.!.she has inspired me to write my own book!. I hope that I gain half her success but I promise that I will not change my characters last minute or contradict my self time and time again!. If j!.k!.Rowling can write a series and stay true to it!.!.!.why cant she!? Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't!. Isn't she guilty that we all payed for that crappy book just to be utterly disappointed!? I payed like $ 23!. Worst book!. I loved Eclipse though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't feel bad for her because she wrote an AMAZING story! I feel happy for her!. I know she got some bad comments, but it was a really good book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not at all!. She's the one who wrote the book and made it a stinker, take responsibility for your actionsWww@QuestionHome@Com

its her fault for wreaking the book but the discussion they had on amazon was harsh Www@QuestionHome@Com