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Question: Does the world need!?
Does the world need more authors writing about people with different sexuality and/or people with a different religion other than the Christianity religion!? Why!? Cause I was thinking of writing fiction about either of these two things!. Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah, sort of!. It's kind of a staple of fiction to explore things that aren't "normal!." And alternative lifestyles and beliefs certainly qualify as being not "normal" to most of the western world!. It's always been done actually, but it's becoming increasingly important for people to become educated about different cultures as the world adapts and integrates!. You walk a fine line though, and it's multifaceted!. There are so many ways to go about exploring either of these topics, and it's important to do so without any prejudice!. You should present reality as honestly as possible be it in the form of satire or day-in-the-life-of!. For some reason it's still taboo, and it's taboo from many angles which is frustrating!. But exploring these things is certainly a good place to start writing, and developing characters as long as you realize that they are not necessarily stories in and of themselves!. Sexuality and Belief are only two tiny slivers of the human psyche and should be treated as such!. An undue emphasis on either can turn off even the most exploratory and open minded reader because it becomes unrealistic!. So it's a balancing act, but I certainly wouldn't shy away from it!. Different is interesting, and different lifestyles and religions can be cool tools to create strong, memorable characters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are great markets for both genres!. Buy yourself a copy of the Best of The Magazine Markets for Writers, go through it, and you'll see what I mean!. The important thing is to write about what interests you!. If you try to fit your writing to what you think others want, you'll end up bored and frustrated!.
Good luck
Mike BWww@QuestionHome@Com