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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Johnatan Coe's book Rotter's club

Question: Johnatan Coe's book Rotter's club
I've read this book and I am about to start The Closed Circle right now, but i saw a bad review on the internet about the frist book!. I want to know if he got his facts right and if life really was like he describes it, back then!? And i also want to know why is there no mention of hippies and the Vietnam war!? I'm just 15 and that might have sounded funny but i know these things were going on in the 70's!. It was in America but still these kids seem to know nothing about the world they live in!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This book is not set in the United States!. Hippies and the Vietnam War were not a major part of British life!. Instead he mentions the IRA and the National Front!.Www@QuestionHome@Com