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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Should I write novels based on my own ideas or is it okay to have inspiration fr

Question: Should I write novels based on my own ideas or is it okay to have inspiration from someone else's works!?
I always happen to have my stories inspired by Stephen King in their own special way, but then I don't like what I write!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Writers are inspired by all kinds of things around them and yes, that often includes other people's books and films!. As long as you're not just rewriting his stories and the plot and characters aren't too similar, there's nothing to worry about!.
Not liking your work!? That's a different matter!. But like I always say, you'll learn an incredible amount about writing, about story-formation, about your own style and about what does and doesn't work for you just by pressing on!. Keep on writing - practice is the best way to learn, and you can only get better!.
Good luck xWww@QuestionHome@Com

Absolutely! Many literary works are based on similar themes!. Some are even adaptations of previous works!.

The important thing is to differentiate, and to express your ideas in a creative, new way that makes your writing qualitatively different from what you are drawing inspiration from!. That's the challenge!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A LOT of books take inspiration from others!.
for example!.!.!.!.
twilight is loosely based on Romeo and Juliet
and Bridget Jones has A LOT in common with Pride and Prejudice!.
it's fine, basically, as long as it's not plagiarismWww@QuestionHome@Com

Its ok to be inspired by other authors but you must be aware of the rules concerning plagiarism which is an infringement of copyright of any kind!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just be yourself!. I know you ca do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com